[xboard.git] / winboard.ini
1 ;
2 ; WinBoard 4.2.7 Save Settings file
3 ;
4 ; You can edit the values of options that are already set in this file,
5 ; but if you add other options, the next Save Settings will not save them.
6 ; Use a shortcut, an @indirection file, or a .bat file instead.
7 ;
8 /whitePieceColor=#ffffcc
9 /blackPieceColor=#202020
10 /lightSquareColor=#c8c365
11 /darkSquareColor=#77a26d
12 /highlightSquareColor=#ffff00
13 /premoveHighlightColor=#ff0000
14 /movesPerSession=40
15 /timeDelay=1
16 /timeControl="5"
17 /timeIncrement=-1
18 /saveGameFile=""
19 /autoSaveGames=false
20 /monoMode=false
21 /showCoords=false
22 /showThinking=false
23 /ponderNextMove=true
24 /periodicUpdates=true
25 /popupExitMessage=true
26 /popupMoveErrors=false
27 /size=tiny /clockFont="Arial:9 b"
28 /size=teeny /clockFont="Arial:9 b"
29 /size=dinky /clockFont="Arial:10 b"
30 /size=petite /clockFont="Arial:10 b"
31 /size=slim /clockFont="Arial:12 b"
32 /size=small /clockFont="Arial:14 b"
33 /size=mediocre /clockFont="Arial:14 b"
34 /size=middling /clockFont="Arial:14 b"
35 /size=average /clockFont="Arial:15 b"
36 /size=moderate /clockFont="Arial:16 b"
37 /size=medium /clockFont="Arial:16 b"
38 /size=bulky /clockFont="Arial:17 b"
39 /size=large /clockFont="Arial:19 b"
40 /size=big /clockFont="Arial:20 b"
41 /size=huge /clockFont="Arial:21 b"
42 /size=giant /clockFont="Arial:22 b"
43 /size=colossal /clockFont="Arial:23 b"
44 /size=titanic /clockFont="Arial:24 b"
45 /size=tiny /messageFont="Small Fonts:6"
46 /size=teeny /messageFont="Small Fonts:6"
47 /size=dinky /messageFont="Small Fonts:7"
48 /size=petite /messageFont="Small Fonts:7"
49 /size=slim /messageFont="Arial:8 b"
50 /size=small /messageFont="Arial:9 b"
51 /size=mediocre /messageFont="Arial:9 b"
52 /size=middling /messageFont="Arial:9 b"
53 /size=average /messageFont="Arial:10 b"
54 /size=moderate /messageFont="Arial:10 b"
55 /size=medium /messageFont="Arial:10 b"
56 /size=bulky /messageFont="Arial:10 b"
57 /size=large /messageFont="Arial:10 b"
58 /size=big /messageFont="Arial:11 b"
59 /size=huge /messageFont="Arial:11 b"
60 /size=giant /messageFont="Arial:11 b"
61 /size=colossal /messageFont="Arial:12 b"
62 /size=titanic /messageFont="Arial:12 b"
63 /size=tiny /coordFont="Small Fonts:4"
64 /size=teeny /coordFont="Small Fonts:4"
65 /size=dinky /coordFont="Small Fonts:5"
66 /size=petite /coordFont="Small Fonts:5"
67 /size=slim /coordFont="Small Fonts:6"
68 /size=small /coordFont="Small Fonts:7"
69 /size=mediocre /coordFont="Small Fonts:7"
70 /size=middling /coordFont="Small Fonts:7"
71 /size=average /coordFont="Arial:7 b"
72 /size=moderate /coordFont="Arial:7 b"
73 /size=medium /coordFont="Arial:7 b"
74 /size=bulky /coordFont="Arial:7 b"
75 /size=large /coordFont="Arial:7 b"
76 /size=big /coordFont="Arial:8 b"
77 /size=huge /coordFont="Arial:8 b"
78 /size=giant /coordFont="Arial:8 b"
79 /size=colossal /coordFont="Arial:9 b"
80 /size=titanic /coordFont="Arial:9 b"
81 /size=tiny /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
82 /size=teeny /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
83 /size=dinky /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
84 /size=petite /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
85 /size=slim /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
86 /size=small /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
87 /size=mediocre /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
88 /size=middling /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
89 /size=average /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
90 /size=moderate /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
91 /size=medium /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
92 /size=bulky /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
93 /size=large /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
94 /size=big /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
95 /size=huge /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
96 /size=giant /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
97 /size=colossal /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
98 /size=titanic /tagsFont="Courier New:8"
99 /size=tiny /commentFont="Arial:9"
100 /size=teeny /commentFont="Arial:9"
101 /size=dinky /commentFont="Arial:9"
102 /size=petite /commentFont="Arial:9"
103 /size=slim /commentFont="Arial:9"
104 /size=small /commentFont="Arial:9"
105 /size=mediocre /commentFont="Arial:9"
106 /size=middling /commentFont="Arial:9"
107 /size=average /commentFont="Arial:9"
108 /size=moderate /commentFont="Arial:9"
109 /size=medium /commentFont="Arial:9"
110 /size=bulky /commentFont="Arial:9"
111 /size=large /commentFont="Arial:9"
112 /size=big /commentFont="Arial:9"
113 /size=huge /commentFont="Arial:9"
114 /size=giant /commentFont="Arial:9"
115 /size=colossal /commentFont="Arial:9"
116 /size=titanic /commentFont="Arial:9"
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118 /size=teeny /icsFont="Courier New:8"
119 /size=dinky /icsFont="Courier New:8"
120 /size=petite /icsFont="Courier New:8"
121 /size=slim /icsFont="Courier New:8"
122 /size=small /icsFont="Courier New:8"
123 /size=mediocre /icsFont="Courier New:8"
124 /size=middling /icsFont="Courier New:8"
125 /size=average /icsFont="Courier New:8"
126 /size=moderate /icsFont="Courier New:8"
127 /size=medium /icsFont="Courier New:8"
128 /size=bulky /icsFont="Courier New:8"
129 /size=large /icsFont="Courier New:8"
130 /size=big /icsFont="Courier New:8"
131 /size=huge /icsFont="Courier New:8"
132 /size=giant /icsFont="Courier New:8"
133 /size=colossal /icsFont="Courier New:8"
134 /size=titanic /icsFont="Courier New:8"
135 /boardSize=giant
136 /alwaysOnTop=false
137 /autoCallFlag=false
138 /autoComment=false
139 /autoObserve=false
140 /autoFlipView=true
141 /autoRaiseBoard=true
142 /alwaysPromoteToQueen=false
143 /oldSaveStyle=false
144 /quietPlay=false
145 /getMoveList=true
146 /testLegality=true
147 /premove=true
148 /premoveWhite=false
149 /premoveWhiteText=""
150 /premoveBlack=false
151 /premoveBlackText=""
152 /icsAlarm=true
153 /icsAlarmTime=5000
154 /animateMoving=true
155 /animateSpeed=10
156 /animateDragging=true
157 /blindfold=false
158 /highlightLastMove=true
159 /highlightDragging=false
160 /colorizeMessages=true
161 /colorShout="#209000"
162 /colorSShout="b #289808"
163 /colorChannel1="#2020e0"
164 /colorChannel="b #4040ff"
165 /colorKibitz="b #ff00ff"
166 /colorTell="b #ff0000"
167 /colorChallenge="bi #ff0000"
168 /colorRequest="bi #ff0000"
169 /colorSeek="#980808"
170 /colorNormal="#000000"
171 /colorBackground=#ffffff
172 /soundShout=""
173 /soundSShout=""
174 /soundChannel1=""
175 /soundChannel=""
176 /soundKibitz=""
177 /soundTell=""
178 /soundChallenge=""
179 /soundRequest=""
180 /soundSeek=""
181 /soundMove=""
182 /soundBell="$"
183 /soundIcsWin=""
184 /soundIcsLoss=""
185 /soundIcsDraw=""
186 /soundIcsUnfinished=""
187 /soundIcsAlarm=""
188 /comPortSettings=9600,7,Space,1,None
189 /x=0
190 /y=2
191 /icsX=-2147483648
192 /icsY=-2147483648
193 /icsW=-2147483648
194 /icsH=-2147483648
195 /analysisX=-2147483648
196 /analysisY=-2147483648
197 /analysisW=-2147483648
198 /analysisH=-2147483648
199 /commentX=-2147483648
200 /commentY=-2147483648
201 /commentW=-2147483648
202 /commentH=-2147483648
203 /tagsX=-2147483648
204 /tagsY=-2147483648
205 /tagsW=-2147483648
206 /tagsH=-2147483648
207 /gameListX=-2147483648
208 /gameListY=-2147483648
209 /gameListW=-2147483648
210 /gameListH=-2147483648
211 /saveSettingsOnExit=true
212 /icsMenu={-
213 &Who,who,0,1
214 Playe&rs,players,0,1
215 &Games,games,0,1
216 &Sought,sought,0,1
217 |&Tell (name),tell,1,0
218 M&essage (name),message,1,0
219 -
220 &Finger (name),finger,1,1
221 &Vars (name),vars,1,1
222 &Observe (name),observe,1,1
223 &Match (name),match,1,1
224 Pl&ay (name),play,1,1
225 }
226 /icsNames={chessclub.com /icsport=5000 /icshelper=timestamp
227 freechess.org /icsport=5000 /icshelper=timeseal
228 global.chessparlor.com /icsport=6000 /icshelper=timeseal
229 chessanytime.com /icsport=5000
230 chess.net /icsport=5000
231 zics.org /icsport=5000
232 jogo.cex.org.br /icsport=5000
233 ajedrez.cec.uchile.cl /icsport=5000
234 fly.cc.fer.hr /icsport=7890
235 freechess.nl /icsport=5000 /icshelper=timeseal
236 jeu.echecs.com /icsport=5000
237 chess.unix-ag.uni-kl.de /icsport=5000 /icshelper=timeseal
238 chess.mds.mdh.se /icsport=5000
239 }
240 /firstChessProgramNames={GNUChess
241 "GNUChes5 xboard"
242 }
243 /secondChessProgramNames={GNUChess
244 "GNUChes5 xboard"
245 }
246 /showButtonBar=true
247 /firstScoreAbs=false
248 /secondScoreAbs=false
249 /pgnExtendedInfo=false
250 /hideThinkingFromHuman=false
251 /liteBackTextureFile=""
252 /darkBackTextureFile=""
253 /liteBackTextureMode=1
254 /darkBackTextureMode=1
255 /renderPiecesWithFont=""
256 /fontPieceToCharTable=""
257 /fontPieceBackColorWhite=#000000
258 /fontPieceForeColorWhite=#000000
259 /fontPieceBackColorBlack=#000000
260 /fontPieceForeColorBlack=#000000
261 /fontPieceSize=80
262 /overrideLineGap=1
263 /adjudicateLossThreshold=0
264 /delayBeforeQuit=0
265 /delayAfterQuit=0
266 /pgnEventHeader="Computer Chess Game"