The Internet Chess Library ( is an anonymous FTP archive containing a large amount of chess information and programs (~200MB). All of the FICS Graphical interfaces are available there, and much more, and access is free. It is available via your favorite Web browser, like Netscape or Mosaic (URL: or simply ftp (file transfer protocol), a very common program available on most Unix systems and many others. Web access would be best and most intuitive, but instruction for using ftp follow: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The most standard command to initiate an ftp connection to the ICL would be (from your host's prompt, not FICS's): ftp or ftp If this seems to be garbage to your system, you'll need to find out more from a local systems administrator. If you connect to the server, you will be asked for a Username (type "anonymous") and a Password (as it will tell you, give your email address). Note: and are the same machine currently. ftp Connected to 220 FTP server (Version wu-2.4(1) Tue Oct 11 11:29:11 1994) ready Name (your-host.your-domain:your-username): anonymous 331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password. Password: your@email.address In this example, we will go to the DOS directory. All files and directories in the current directory can be seen with "dir". "cd" changes directories. a "/" separates directory names when specifying directories within directories. "help" will give you a list of available commands in ftp. cd /pub/chess/DOS or cd DOS ( users of DELPHI may need to type: cd "DOS" ) "dir" will show you all the files and directories here. There are quite a few. We will now transfer the software for ZIICS, a graphical interface which runs under DOS on PC's. The "binary" command sets the transfer mode to binary type (8 bit, for true binary/executable data). The "get" command transfers a file. binary get ziics121.exe If you are done, "quit" will exit you from ftp. quit Now all you need to do is transfer the file to your local PC or workstation, assuming you do not have a direct Internet connection or PPP/SLIP. This is done most commonly with "kermit" or "zmodem". Check around locally for what is available. Channel 1 is a great place to get help help from people on-line at FICS. See also: interfaces, addresses