register *** *** *** Registration is now automated using email! *** *** *** To get a registered account on this server, send a message to the following address ... ... and use as the Subject: "Fics Registration". The text of your message should read (please make the appropriate substitutions as indicated by the <>'s markers): fics_addplayer "" **** Be sure to read "help handle" on the server's online help reguarding **** handle name policy! Quotation marks MUST be used around the name field. Do NOT include the <>'s markers in your text; they are used above only to indicate where you need to place information. If this is a human account, 'human' need not be specified; however, 'computer' MUST be used if you are registering a computer on FICS (see "computers" help file). Here are two examples that would register Sparky with the correct name and email information: fics_addplayer Sparky "Chris L. Petroff" -OR- fics_addplayer Sparky "Chris L. Petroff" human SPECIAL NOTES: (1) PLEASE SELECT YOUR HANDLE CAREFULLY! We do not change handles for accounts once they have been created. So choose a handle that you are willing to keep. If for some reason the handle you want is already taken, you will be notified. To check in advance whether a handle is already being used, use the "handles" command. Lastly, your handle must not be offensive! Offensive handles will be removed. (See "handle" help file.) (2) ONLINE REGISTRATION WILL BE LIMITED. Email registration provides security for users and reduces mistakes. Contact an admin about registration if you have difficulties with email registration or if it is impossible. (3) Please tell us if you are an FM, IM or GM (master's titles for international competition). We can include you on our master's lists. See Also: computers handle handles showlists [Last modified: July 26, 1995 -- Sparky]