If the given value is non-zero, XBoard adjudicates the game as a loss
if both engines agree for a duration of 6 consecutive ply that the score
is below the given score threshold for that engine. Make sure the score
is interpreted properly by XBoard,
using -firstScoreAbs and -secondScoreAbs if needed.
Default: 0 (no adjudication)
-adjudicateDrawMoves n
If the given value is non-zero, XBoard adjudicates the game as a draw
if after the given number of moves it was not yet decided. Default: 0 (no adjudication)
-checkMates true/false
If this option is set, XBoard detects all checkmates and stalemates,
and ends the game as soon as they occur.
Legality-testing must be switched on for this option to work.
Default: true
-testClaims true/false
If this option is set, XBoard verifies all result claims made by engines,
and those who send false claims will forfeit the game because of it.
Legality-testing must be switched on for this option to work. Default: true
-materialDraws true/false
If this option is set, XBoard adjudicates games as draws when there is
no sufficient material left to inflict a checkmate.
This applies to KBKB with like bishops (any number, actually), and to KBK, KNK and KK.
Legality-testing must be switched on for this option to work. Default: true
-trivialDraws true/false
If this option is set, XBoard adjudicates games as draws that cannot be
usually won without opponent cooperation. This applies to KBKB with unlike bishops,
and to KBKN, KNKN, KNNK, KRKR and KQKQ. The draw is called after 6 ply into these end-games,
to allow quick mates that can occur in some exceptional positions to be found by the engines.
KQKQ does not really belong in this category, and might be taken out in the future.
(When bitbase-based adjudications are implemented.)
Legality-testing must be on for this option to work. Default: false
-ruleMoves n
If the given value is non-zero, XBoard adjudicates the game as a draw after the given
number of consecutive reversible moves. Engine draw claims are always accepted after 50 moves,
irrespective of the given value of n.
-repeatsToDraw n
If the given value is non-zero, xboard adjudicates the game as a draw if a position
is repeated the given number of times. Engines draw claims are always accepted after 3 repeats,
(on the 3rd occurrence, actually), irrespective of the value of n.
Beware that positions that have different castling or en-passant rights do not count
as repeats, XBoard is fully e.p. and castling aware!