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2.6 Help Menu

Info XBoard
Displays the XBoard documentation in info format. For this feature to work, you must have the GNU info program installed on your system, and the file must either be present in the current working directory, or have been installed by the ‘make install’ command when you built XBoard.
Man XBoard
Displays the XBoard documentation in man page format. For this feature to work, the file xboard.6 must have been installed by the ‘make install’ command when you built XBoard, and the directory it was placed in must be on the search path for your system's ‘man’ command.
Displays a move hint from the chess engine.
Displays a list of possible moves from the chess engine's opening book. The exact format depends on what chess engine you are using. With GNU Chess 4, the first column gives moves, the second column gives one possible response for each move, and the third column shows the number of lines in the book that include the move from the first column. If you select this option and nothing happens, the chess engine is out of its book or does not support this feature.
About XBoard
Shows the current XBoard version number.