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2.9 Other Shortcut Keys

Pressing the - key iconizes XBoard. The graphical icon displays a white knight if it is White's move, or a black knight if it is Black's move. If your X window manager displays only text icons, not graphical ones, check its documentation; there is probably a way to enable graphical icons. If you get black and white reversed, we would like to hear about it; see Problems below for instructions on how to report this problem.
Load Next Game
Loads the next game from the last game record file you loaded. The Alt+PgDn key is a keyboard equivalent.
Load Previous Game
Loads the previous game from the last game record file you loaded. The Alt+PgUp key is a keyboard equivalent. Not available if the last game was loaded from a pipe.
Reload Same Game
Reloads the last game you loaded. Not available if the last game was loaded from a pipe.
Reload Same Position
Reloads the last position you loaded. Not available if the last position was loaded from a pipe.

You can add or remove shortcut keys using the X resources form.translations. Here is an example of what would go in your .Xresources file:

     XBoard*form.translations: \
       Shift<Key>?: AboutGameProc() \n\
       <Key>y: AcceptProc() \n\
       <Key>n: DeclineProc() \n\
       <Key>i: NothingProc()

Binding a key to NothingProc makes it do nothing, thus removing it as a shortcut key. The XBoard commands that can be bound to keys are:

     AbortProc, AboutGameProc, AboutProc, AcceptProc, AdjournProc,
     AlwaysQueenProc, AnalysisModeProc, AnalyzeFileProc,
     AnimateDraggingProc, AnimateMovingProc, AutobsProc, AutoflagProc,
     AutoflipProc, AutoraiseProc, AutosaveProc, BackwardProc,
     BlindfoldProc, BookProc, CallFlagProc, CopyGameProc, CopyPositionProc,
     DebugProc, DeclineProc, DrawProc, EditCommentProc, EditGameProc,
     EditPositionProc, EditTagsProc, EnterKeyProc, FlashMovesProc,
     FlipViewProc, ForwardProc, GetMoveListProc, HighlightLastMoveProc,
     HintProc, Iconify, IcsAlarmProc, IcsClientProc, IcsInputBoxProc,
     InfoProc, LoadGameProc, LoadNextGameProc, LoadNextPositionProc,
     LoadPositionProc, LoadPrevGameProc, LoadPrevPositionProc,
     LoadSelectedProc, MachineBlackProc, MachineWhiteProc, MailMoveProc,
     ManProc, MoveNowProc, MoveSoundProc, NothingProc, OldSaveStyleProc,
     PasteGameProc, PastePositionProc, PauseProc, PeriodicUpdatesProc,
     PonderNextMoveProc, PopupExitMessageProc, PopupMoveErrorsProc,
     PremoveProc, QuietPlayProc, QuitProc, ReloadCmailMsgProc,
     ReloadGameProc, ReloadPositionProc, RematchProc, ResetProc,
     ResignProc, RetractMoveProc, RevertProc, SaveGameProc,
     SavePositionProc, ShowCoordsProc, ShowGameListProc, ShowThinkingProc,
     StopExaminingProc, StopObservingProc, TestLegalityProc, ToEndProc,
     ToStartProc, TrainingProc, TruncateGameProc, and TwoMachinesProc.