; ; additional settings for Tori Shogi 'shokidoki' ; -variant shogi ; ; size overrides ; -boardWidth 7 -boardHeight 7 -holdingsSize 6 ; ; pieces: supplied shogi svg's, and flip them in flipView ; -pieceImageDirectory ~~/themes/SHOGI/1-kanji-tori -trueColors true -flipBlack true ; ; board: no checkering (both w. and w.o. texture) ; -useBoardTexture true -liteBackTextureFile "~~/themes/textures/wood_kaya.png" -darkBackTextureFile "~~/themes/textures/wood_kaya.png" -lightSquareColor #FF8040 -darkSquareColor #FF8040 ; ; must play with legality testing off ; -testLegality false ; ; redefine default engine ; -fcp shokidoki -scp shokidoki ; ; limit automatic install to engines that might play Tori Shogi ; -autoInstall shogivariants ; ; set up own persistence file, used for this theme only ; -settingsFile ~/.xboard-tori-rc -saveSettingsFile ~/.xboard-tori-rc