Action Menu

Most of these commands are available in chess server mode only.


Accepts a pending match offer. If there is more than one offer pending, you will have to type in a more specific command instead of using this menu choice.


Declines a pending offer (match, draw, etc.). If there is more than one offer pending, you will have to type in a more specific command instead of using this menu choice.


Issues the ICS rematch command, which asks for another game against your last opponent with the same time control and rule set.

Call Flag

Calls your opponent's flag, claiming a win on time, or claiming a draw if you are both out of time. You can also call your opponent's flag by clicking on his clock.


Offers a draw to your opponent, accepts a pending draw offer from your opponent, or claims a draw by repetition or the 50-move rule, as appropriate.


Asks your opponent to agree to adjourning the current game, or agrees to a pending adjournment offer from your opponent. You continue an adjourned ICS game by challenging the same player again with the ICS match command.


Asks your opponent to agree to abort the current game, or agrees to a pending abort offer from your opponent. An aborted ICS game ends immediately without affecting either player's rating.


Resigns the game to your opponent.

Stop Observing

Ends your participation in observing a game, by issuing the ICS unobserve command.

Stop Examining

Ends your participation in observing a game, by issuing the ICS unobserve command.

Upload To Examine

Starts an examined game on the ICS, and uploads the game currently loaded in WinBoard (by pasting it, or loading from a file) to it.

Adjudicate To White

End the current game and stop participating engine. The result will appear in the PGN as a win for white.

Adjudicate To Black

Same as above, but game will appear as a win for black.

Adjudicate Draw

Same as above, but game will appear as a draw.