X-Git-Url: http://winboard.nl/cgi-bin?a=blobdiff_plain;f=winboard%2Fwinboard.dsp;h=3dcb79d9c76728a40585e783fb5a3e6e3be61dee;hb=f9cda3698df8b588c7d2174bc7c5effb919c34bc;hp=2b5ff0108636c8aac9ba2760f72320fd2e612967;hpb=873f7b33a08877e546e16f63a3a70dae8b3633aa;p=xboard.git diff --git a/winboard/winboard.dsp b/winboard/winboard.dsp old mode 100644 new mode 100755 index 2b5ff01..3dcb79d --- a/winboard/winboard.dsp +++ b/winboard/winboard.dsp @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ # TARGTYPE "Win32 (x86) Application" 0x0101 -CFG=winboard - Win32 Debug +CFG=winboard - Win32 Jaws Debug !MESSAGE This is not a valid makefile. To build this project using NMAKE, !MESSAGE use the Export Makefile command and run !MESSAGE @@ -13,12 +13,14 @@ CFG=winboard - Win32 Debug !MESSAGE You can specify a configuration when running NMAKE !MESSAGE by defining the macro CFG on the command line. For example: !MESSAGE -!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "winboard.mak" CFG="winboard - Win32 Debug" +!MESSAGE NMAKE /f "winboard.mak" CFG="winboard - Win32 Jaws Debug" !MESSAGE !MESSAGE Possible choices for configuration are: !MESSAGE !MESSAGE "winboard - Win32 Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") !MESSAGE "winboard - Win32 Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") +!MESSAGE "winboard - Win32 Jaws Debug" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") +!MESSAGE "winboard - Win32 Jaws Release" (based on "Win32 (x86) Application") !MESSAGE # Begin Project @@ -81,12 +83,68 @@ LINK32=link.exe # ADD BASE LINK32 kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib winspool.lib comdlg32.lib advapi32.lib shell32.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib uuid.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept # ADD LINK32 wsock32.lib comctl32.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib msvcrtd.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /map /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "winboard - Win32 Jaws Debug" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "winboard___Win32_Jaws_Debug" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "winboard___Win32_Jaws_Debug" +# PROP BASE Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 1 +# PROP Output_Dir "Jaws-Debug" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Jaws-Debug" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "." /I ".." /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_IE=0x300 /D WINVER=0x400 /D _WIN32_WINDOWS=0x500 /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MDd /W3 /Gm /GX /ZI /Od /I "." /I ".." /D "_DEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_IE=0x300 /D WINVER=0x400 /D _WIN32_WINDOWS=0x500 /D "JAWS" /YX /FD /GZ /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "_DEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /i ".." /d "_DEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /i ".." /d "_DEBUG" /d "JAWS" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 wsock32.lib comctl32.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib msvcrtd.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /map /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept +# ADD LINK32 wsock32.lib comctl32.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib msvcrtd.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /map /debug /machine:I386 /pdbtype:sept + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "winboard - Win32 Jaws Release" + +# PROP BASE Use_MFC 0 +# PROP BASE Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP BASE Output_Dir "winboard___Win32_Jaws_Release" +# PROP BASE Intermediate_Dir "winboard___Win32_Jaws_Release" +# PROP BASE Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP BASE Target_Dir "" +# PROP Use_MFC 0 +# PROP Use_Debug_Libraries 0 +# PROP Output_Dir "Jaws-Release" +# PROP Intermediate_Dir "Jaws-Release" +# PROP Ignore_Export_Lib 0 +# PROP Target_Dir "" +# ADD BASE CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /Og /Os /Oy /Gf /I "." /I ".." /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_IE=0x300 /D WINVER=0x400 /D _WIN32_WINDOWS=0x500 /YX /Zl /FD /Gs /GA /c +# ADD CPP /nologo /MD /W3 /GX /Og /Os /Oy /Gf /I "." /I ".." /D "NDEBUG" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D _WIN32_IE=0x300 /D WINVER=0x400 /D _WIN32_WINDOWS=0x500 /D "JAWS" /YX /Zl /FD /Gs /GA /c +# ADD BASE MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD MTL /nologo /D "NDEBUG" /mktyplib203 /win32 +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 /i ".." /d "NDEBUG" +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 /i ".." /d "NDEBUG" /d "JAWS" +BSC32=bscmake.exe +# ADD BASE BSC32 /nologo +# ADD BSC32 /nologo +LINK32=link.exe +# ADD BASE LINK32 wsock32.lib comctl32.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib msvcrt.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /pdb:none /machine:I386 +# ADD LINK32 wsock32.lib comctl32.lib winmm.lib shell32.lib oldnames.lib kernel32.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib msvcrt.lib /nologo /subsystem:windows /pdb:none /machine:I386 + !ENDIF # Begin Target # Name "winboard - Win32 Release" # Name "winboard - Win32 Debug" +# Name "winboard - Win32 Jaws Debug" +# Name "winboard - Win32 Jaws Release" # Begin Group "Source Files" # PROP Default_Filter "cpp;c;cxx;rc;def;r;odl;idl;hpj;bat" @@ -104,6 +162,10 @@ SOURCE=..\gamelist.c # End Source File # Begin Source File +SOURCE=.\help.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + SOURCE=..\lists.c # End Source File # Begin Source File @@ -124,6 +186,10 @@ SOURCE=..\uci.c # End Source File # Begin Source File +SOURCE=.\wchat.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + SOURCE=.\wclipbrd.c # End Source File # Begin Source File @@ -149,26 +215,32 @@ SOURCE=.\whistory.c # Begin Source File SOURCE=.\winboard.c -# End Source File -# Begin Source File - -SOURCE=.\winboard.rc !IF "$(CFG)" == "winboard - Win32 Release" -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 - !ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "winboard - Win32 Debug" -# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 -# ADD RSC /l 0x409 +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "winboard - Win32 Jaws Debug" + +# ADD CPP /D WINVER=0x500 +# SUBTRACT CPP /D WINVER=0x400 + +!ELSEIF "$(CFG)" == "winboard - Win32 Jaws Release" + +# ADD CPP /D WINVER=0x500 +# SUBTRACT CPP /D WINVER=0x400 !ENDIF # End Source File # Begin Source File +SOURCE=.\winboard.rc +# ADD BASE RSC /l 0x409 +# ADD RSC /l 0x409 +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + SOURCE=.\wlayout.c # End Source File # Begin Source File @@ -177,6 +249,10 @@ SOURCE=.\woptions.c # End Source File # Begin Source File +SOURCE=.\wsettings.c +# End Source File +# Begin Source File + SOURCE=.\wsnap.c # End Source File # Begin Source File