The patchs to subject Zippy messages to coloriation was faulty, because
there were messages recognized by zippy that were not colorized, and
such messages would then not be 'read away' after zippy recognition
(except for the first character). As a result the messages were
processed over and over again.
} // [HGM] chat: end of patch
+ backup = i;
if (appData.zippyTalk || appData.zippyPlay) {
/* [DM] Backup address for color zippy lines */
- backup = i;
if (loggedOn == TRUE)
if (ZippyControl(buf, &backup) || ZippyConverse(buf, &backup) ||
+ if(i < backup) { i = backup; continue; } // [HGM] for if ZippyControl matches, but the colorie code doesn't
if (looking_at(buf, &i, "\\ ")) {
if (prevColor != ColorNormal) {
if (oldi > next_out) {