// [HGM] gen: configurable move generation from Betza notation sent by engine.
+// Some notes about two-leg moves: GenPseudoLegal() works in two modes, depending on whether a 'kill-
+// square has been set: without one is generates all moves, and a global int legNr flags in bits 0 and 1
+// if the move has 1 or 2 legs. Only the marking of squares makes use of this info, by only marking
+// target squares of leg 1 (rejecting null move). A dummy move with MoveType 'FirstLeg' to the relay square
+// is generated, so a cyan marker can be put there, and other functions can ignore such a move. When the
+// user selects this square, it becomes the kill-square. Once a kill-square is set, only 2-leg moves are
+// generated that use that square as relay, plus 1-leg moves, so the 1-leg move that goes to the kill-square
+// can be marked during 2nd-leg entry to terminate the move there. For judging the pseudo-legality of the
+// 2nd leg, the from-square has to be considered empty, although the moving piece is still on it.
Boolean pieceDefs;
-MovesFromString (Board board, int flags, int f, int r, char *desc, MoveCallback cb, VOIDSTAR cl)
+OK (Board board, int flags, ChessMove kind, int rf, int ff, int rt, int ft, VOIDSTAR cl)
+ (*(int*)cl)++;
+MovesFromString (Board board, int flags, int f, int r, int tx, int ty, int angle, char *desc, MoveCallback cb, VOIDSTAR cl)
char *p = desc;
int mine, his, dir, bit, occup, i;
if(flags & F_WHITE_ON_MOVE) his = 2, mine = 1; else his = 1, mine = 2;
while(*p) { // more moves to go
int expo = 1, dx, dy, x, y, mode, dirSet, retry=0, initial=0, jump=1, skip = 0;
+ char *cont = NULL;
if(*p == 'i') initial = 1, desc = ++p;
while(islower(*p)) p++; // skip prefixes
if(!isupper(*p)) return; // syntax error: no atom
switch(symmetry[*p-'A']) {
case 'B': expo = 0; // bishop, slide
case 'F': // diagonal atom (degenerate 4-fold)
- while(islower(*desc) && (i = dirType[*desc-'a']) != '0') {
+ if(tx < 0) { // for continuation legs relative directions are orthogonal!
+ while(islower(*desc) && (i = dirType[*desc-'a']) != '0') {
int b = dirs1[*desc-'a']; // use wide version
if( islower(desc[1]) &&
((i | dirType[desc[1]-'a']) & 3) == 3) { // combinable (perpendicular dim)
desc += 2;
} else desc++;
dirSet |= b;
+ }
+ dirSet &= 0x55; if(!dirSet) dirSet = 0x55;
+ break;
- dirSet &= 0x55; if(!dirSet) dirSet = 0x55;
- break;
case 'R': expo = 0; // rook, slide
case 'W': // orthogonal atom (non-deg 4-fold)
while(islower(*desc) && (dirType[*desc-'a'] & ~4) != '0') dirSet |= dirs2[*desc++-'a'];
dirSet &= 0x55; if(!dirSet) dirSet = 0x55;
+ dirSet = (dirSet << angle | dirSet >> 8-angle) & 255; // re-orient direction system
case 'N': // oblique atom (degenerate 8-fold)
while(islower(*desc) && (i = dirType[*desc-'a']) != '0') {
break; // should not have direction indicators
default: return; // syntax error: invalid atom
- if(mine == 2) dirSet = dirSet >> 4 | dirSet << 4 & 255; // invert black moves
+ if(mine == 2 && tx < 0) dirSet = dirSet >> 4 | dirSet << 4 & 255; // invert black moves
mode = 0; // build mode mask
if(*desc == 'm') mode |= 4, desc++;
if(*desc == 'c') mode |= his, desc++;
if(*desc == 'd') mode |= mine, desc++;
if(*desc == 'e') mode |= 8, desc++;
- if(!mode) mode = his + 4;// no mode spec, use default = mc
if(*desc == 'p') mode |= 32, desc++;
if(*desc == 'g') mode |= 64, desc++;
if(*desc == 'o') mode |= 128, desc++;
if(*desc == 'n') jump = 0, desc++;
while(*desc == 'j') jump++, desc++;
+ if(*desc == 'a') cont = ++desc;
+ if(!cont) {
+ if(!(mode & 15)) mode = his + 4; // no mode spec, use default = mc
+ } else {
+ if(mode & 32) mode ^= 256 + 32; // in non-final legs 'p' means 'pass through'
+ if(!(mode & 0x10F)) mode = his + 0x104; // and default = mcp
+ }
dx = xStep[*p-'A'] - '0'; // step vector of atom
dy = yStep[*p-'A'] - '0';
if(isdigit(*++p)) expo = atoi(p++); // read exponent
if(dy != 1) j = 0; //
vx = dx*rot[dir][0] + dy*rot[dir][1]; // rotate step vector
vy = dx*rot[dir][2] + dy*rot[dir][3];
- x = f; y = r; // start square
- do {
+ if(tx < 0) x = f, y = r; // start square
+ else x = tx, y = ty; // from previous to-square if continuation
+ do { // traverse ray
x += vx; y += vy; // step to next square
if(y < 0 || y >= BOARD_HEIGHT) break; // vertically off-board: always done
if(x < BOARD_LEFT) { if(mode & 128) x += BOARD_RGHT - BOARD_LEFT; else break; }
if(j) { j--; continue; } // skip irrespective of occupation
if(!jump && board[y - vy + vy/2][x - vx + vx/2] != EmptySquare) break; // blocked
if(jump > 1 && board[y - vy + vy/2][x - vx + vx/2] == EmptySquare) break; // no hop
- if(board[y][x] < BlackPawn) occup = 1; else
- if(board[y][x] < EmptySquare) occup = 2; else
+ if(x == f && y == r) occup = 4; else // start square counts as empty
+ if(board[y][x] < BlackPawn) occup = 0x101; else
+ if(board[y][x] < EmptySquare) occup = 0x102; else
occup = 4;
+ if(cont) { // non-final leg
+ if(occup & mode) { // valid intermediate square, do continuation
+ if(occup & mode & 0x104) // no side effects, merge legs to one move
+ MovesFromString(board, flags, f, r, x, y, dir, cont, cb, cl);
+ if(occup & mode & 3 && (killX < 0 || killX == x && killY == y)) { // destructive first leg
+ int cnt = 0;
+ MovesFromString(board, flags, f, r, x, y, dir, cont, &OK, &cnt); // count possible continuations
+ if(cnt) { // and if there are
+ if(killX < 0) cb(board, flags, FirstLeg, r, f, y, x, cl); // then generate their first leg
+ legNr <<= 1;
+ MovesFromString(board, flags, f, r, x, y, dir, cont, cb, cl);
+ legNr >>= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(occup != 4) break; // occupied squares always terminate the leg
+ continue;
+ }
if(hop & 32+64) { if(occup != 4) { if(hop & 64 && i != 1) i = 2; hop &= 31; } continue; } // hopper
if(mode & 8 && y == board[EP_RANK] && occup == 4 && board[EP_FILE] == x) { // to e.p. square
cb(board, flags, mine == 1 ? WhiteCapturesEnPassant : BlackCapturesEnPassant, r, f, y, x, cl);
cb(board, flags, mine == 1 ? WhiteKingSideCastle : BlackKingSideCastle, r, f, y, f + expo, cl);
- if(occup & mode) cb(board, flags, NormalMove, r, f, y, x, cl); // allowed, generate
+ if(occup & mode) cb(board, flags, NormalMove, r, f, y, x, cl); // allowed, generate
if(occup != 4) break; // not valid transit square
} while(--i);
dx = dy = 1; dirSet = 0x99; // prepare for diagonal moves of K,Q
} while(retry--); // and start doing them
+ if(tx >= 0) break; // don't do other atoms in continuation legs
} // next atom
{ // Lion-like move of Horned Falcon and Souring Eagle
int ft = ff + dx, rt = rf + dy;
if (rt < 0 || rt >= BOARD_HEIGHT || ft < BOARD_LEFT || ft >= BOARD_RGHT) return;
+ legNr += 2;
if (!SameColor(board[rf][ff], board[rt][ft]))
callback(board, flags, board[rt][ft] != EmptySquare ? FirstLeg : NormalMove, rf, ff, rt, ft, closure);
+ legNr -= 2;
ft += dx; rt += dy;
if (rt < 0 || rt >= BOARD_HEIGHT || ft < BOARD_LEFT || ft >= BOARD_RGHT) return;
+ legNr += 2;
if (!SameColor(board[rf][ff], board[rt][ft]))
callback(board, flags, NormalMove, rf, ff, rt, ft, closure);
+ if (!SameColor(board[rf][ff], board[rf+dy][ff+dx]))
+ callback(board, flags, NormalMove, rf, ff, rf, ff, closure);
+ legNr -= 2;
piece = (ChessSquare) ( DEMOTED piece );
if(filter != EmptySquare && piece != filter) continue;
if(pieceDefs && pieceDesc[piece]) { // [HGM] gen: use engine-defined moves
- MovesFromString(board, flags, ff, rf, pieceDesc[piece], callback, closure);
+ MovesFromString(board, flags, ff, rf, -1, -1, 0, pieceDesc[piece], callback, closure);
for(rt = rf - 2; rt <= rf + 2; rt++) for(ft = ff - 2; ft <= ff + 2; ft++) {
if (rt < 0 || rt >= BOARD_HEIGHT || ft < BOARD_LEFT || ft >= BOARD_RGHT) continue;
if (!(ff == ft && rf == rt) && SameColor(board[rf][ff], board[rt][ft])) continue;
+ i = (killX >= 0 && (rt-killY)*(rt-killY) + (killX-ft)*(killX-ft) < 3); legNr += 2*i;
callback(board, flags, (rt-rf)*(rt-rf) + (ff-ft)*(ff-ft) < 3 && board[rt][ft] != EmptySquare ? FirstLeg : NormalMove,
rf, ff, rt, ft, closure);
+ legNr -= 2*i;
if(rf == DROP_RANK) board[rt][ft] = ff; else { // [HGM] drop
board[rt][ft] = board[rf][ff];
- board[rf][ff] = EmptySquare;
+ if(rf != rt || ff != ft) board[rf][ff] = EmptySquare;
ep = board[EP_STATUS];
if( captured == WhiteLion || captured == BlackLion ) { // [HGM] lion: Chu Lion-capture rules