int promoDefaultAltered;
int keepInfo = 0; /* [HGM] to protect PGN tags in auto-step game analysis */
static int initPing = -1;
+static Boolean pieceDefs;
/* States for ics_getting_history */
#define H_FALSE 0
static char resetOptions[] =
"-reuse -firstIsUCI false -firstHasOwnBookUCI true -firstTimeOdds 1 "
"-firstInitString \"" INIT_STRING "\" -firstComputerString \"" COMPUTER_STRING "\" "
- "-firstFeatures \"\" -firstLogo \"\" -firstAccumulateTC 1 "
+ "-firstFeatures \"\" -firstLogo \"\" -firstAccumulateTC 1 -fd \".\" "
"-firstOptions \"\" -firstNPS -1 -fn \"\" -firstScoreAbs false";
} else {
int capt = 0;
if(!appData.markers || !appData.highlightDragging || appData.icsActive && gameInfo.variant < VariantShogi ||
- !appData.testLegality || gameMode == EditPosition) return;
+ !appData.testLegality && !pieceDefs || gameMode == EditPosition) return;
GenLegal(boards[currentMove], PosFlags(currentMove), Mark, (void*) marker, EmptySquare);
if(PosFlags(0) & F_MANDATORY_CAPTURE) {
for(x=0; x<BOARD_WIDTH; x++) for(y=0; y<BOARD_HEIGHT; y++) if(marker[y][x]>1) capt++;
startedFromSetupPosition = TRUE;
+ if(sscanf(message, "piece %c %s", &promoChar, buf1) == 2) {
+ ChessSquare piece = CharToPiece(promoChar);
+ if(piece < EmptySquare && !appData.testLegality) { ASSIGN(pieceDesc[piece], buf1); pieceDefs = TRUE; }
+ return;
+ }
/* [HGM] Allow engine to set up a position. Don't ask me why one would
* want this, I was asked to put it in, and obliged.
fprintf(debugFP, "Reset(%d, %d) from gameMode %d\n",
redraw, init, gameMode);
+ pieceDefs = FALSE; // [HGM] gen: reset engine-defined piece moves
+ for(i=0; i<EmptySquare; i++) { FREE(pieceDesc[i]); pieceDesc[i] = NULL; }
CleanupTail(); // [HGM] vari: delete any stored variations
CommentPopDown(); // [HGM] make sure no comments to the previous game keep hanging on
pausing = pauseExamInvalid = FALSE;
#include "config.h"
#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
# include <string.h>
#else /* not HAVE_STRING_H */
extern signed char initialRights[BOARD_FILES]; /* [HGM] all rights enabled, set in InitPosition */
int quickFlag;
+char *pieceDesc[EmptySquare];
WhitePiece (ChessSquare piece)
return TRUE;
+// [HGM] gen: configurable move generation from Betza notation sent by engine.
+// alphabet "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+char symmetry[] = "FBNW.F.WFNKN.N..QR....W..N";
+char xStep[] = "2110.1.03102.10.00....0..2";
+char yStep[] = "2132.1.33313.20.11....1..3";
+char dirType[] = "01000104000200000260050000";
+// alphabet "a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z "
+int dirs1[] = { 0,0x3C,0,0,0,0xC3,0,0, 0,0,0,0xF0,0,0,0,0,0,0x0F,0 ,0,0,0 ,0,0,0,0 };
+int dirs2[] = { 0,0x18,0,0,0,0x81,0,0xFF,0,0,0,0x60,0,0,0,0,0,0x06,0x66,0,0,0x99,0,0,0,0 };
+int rot[][4] = { // rotation matrices for each direction
+ { 1, 0, 0, 1 },
+ { 0, 1, 1, 0 },
+ { 0, 1,-1, 0 },
+ { 1, 0, 0,-1 },
+ {-1, 0, 0,-1 },
+ { 0,-1,-1, 0 },
+ { 0,-1, 1, 0 },
+ {-1, 0, 0, 1 }
+MovesFromString (Board board, int flags, int f, int r, char *desc, MoveCallback cb, VOIDSTAR cl)
+ char *p = desc;
+ int mine, his, dir, bit, occup, i;
+ if(flags & F_WHITE_ON_MOVE) his = 2, mine = 1; else his = 1, mine = 2;
+ while(*p) { // more moves to go
+ int expo = 1, dx, dy, x, y, mode, dirSet, retry=0, initial=0;
+ if(*p == 'i') initial = 1, p++;
+ while(islower(*p)) p++; // skip prefixes
+ if(!isupper(*p)) return; // syntax error: no atom
+ dirSet = 0; // build direction set based on atom symmetry
+ switch(symmetry[*p-'A']) {
+ case 'B': expo = 0; // bishop, slide
+ case 'F': // diagonal atom (degenerate 4-fold)
+ while(islower(*desc) && (i = dirType[*desc-'a']) != '0') {
+ int b = dirs1[*desc-'a']; // use wide version
+ if( islower(desc[1]) &&
+ ((i | dirType[desc[1]-'a']) & 3) == 3) { // combinable (perpendicular dim)
+ b = dirs1[*desc-'a'] & dirs1[desc[1]-'a']; // intersect wide & perp wide
+ desc += 2;
+ } else desc++;
+ dirSet |= b;
+ }
+ dirSet &= 0x99; if(!dirSet) dirSet = 0x99;
+ break;
+ case 'R': expo = 0; // rook, slide
+ case 'W': // orthogonal atom (non-deg 4-fold)
+ while(islower(*desc) && (dirType[*desc-'a'] & ~4) != '0') dirSet |= dirs2[*desc++-'a'];
+ dirSet &= 0x55; if(!dirSet) dirSet = 0x55;
+ break;
+ case 'N': // oblique atom (degenerate 8-fold)
+ while(islower(*desc) && (i = dirType[*desc-'a']) != '0') {
+ int b = dirs2[*desc-'a']; // when alone, use narrow version
+ if(desc[1] == 'h') b = dirs1[*desc-'a'], desc += 2; // dirs1 is wide version
+ else if(islower(desc[1]) && i < '4'
+ && ((i | dirType[desc[1]-'a']) & 3) == 3) { // combinable (perpendicular dim)
+ b = dirs1[*desc-'a'] & dirs2[desc[1]-'a']; // intersect wide & perp narrow
+ desc += 2;
+ } else desc++;
+ dirSet |= b;
+ }
+ if(!dirSet) dirSet = 0xFF;
+ break;
+ case 'Q': expo = 0; // queen, slide
+ case 'K': // non-deg (pseudo) 8-fold
+ dirSet=0x55; // start with orthogonal moves
+ retry = 1; // and schedule the diagonal moves for later
+ break; // should not have direction indicators
+ default: return; // syntax error: invalid atom
+ }
+ if(mine == 2) dirSet = dirSet >> 4 | dirSet << 4 & 255; // invert black moves
+ mode = 0; // build mode mask
+ if(*desc == 'm') mode |= 4, desc++;
+ if(*desc == 'c') mode |= his, desc++;
+ if(*desc == 'd') mode |= mine, desc++;
+ if(!mode) mode = his + 4;// no mode spec, use default = mc
+ dx = xStep[*p-'A'] - '0'; // step vector of atom
+ dy = yStep[*p-'A'] - '0';
+ if(isdigit(*++p)) expo = atoi(p++); // read exponent
+ if(expo > 9) p++; // allow double-digit
+ desc = p; // this is start of next move
+ if(initial && (mine == 1 ? r > 1 : r < BOARD_HEIGHT - 2)) continue;
+ do {
+ for(dir=0, bit=1; dir<8; dir++, bit += bit) { // loop over directions
+ int i = expo;
+ if(!(bit & dirSet)) continue; // does not move in this direction
+ x = f; y = r; // start square
+ do {
+ x += dx*rot[dir][0] + dy*rot[dir][1]; // step to next square
+ y += dx*rot[dir][2] + dy*rot[dir][3];
+ if(y < 0 || y >= BOARD_HEIGHT || x < BOARD_LEFT || x >= BOARD_RGHT) break;
+ if(board[y][x] < BlackPawn) occup = 1; else
+ if(board[y][x] < EmptySquare) occup = 2; else
+ occup = 4;
+ if(occup & mode) cb(board, flags, NormalMove, r, f, y, x, cl); // allowed, generate
+ if(occup != 4) break; // not valid transit square
+ } while(--i);
+ }
+ dx = dy = 1; dirSet = 0x99; // prepare for diagonal moves of K,Q
+ } while(retry--); // and start doing them
+ }
+} // next atom
// [HGM] move generation now based on hierarchy of subroutines for rays and combinations of rays
if(PieceToChar(piece) == '~')
piece = (ChessSquare) ( DEMOTED piece );
if(filter != EmptySquare && piece != filter) continue;
+ if(pieceDesc[piece]) { MovesFromString(board, flags, ff, rf, pieceDesc[piece], callback, closure); continue; } // [HGM] gen
piece = (ChessSquare) ( SHOGI piece );