case '-': bScore = 2; break;
case '=': wScore = bScore = 1; break;
case ' ':
- case '*': return NULL; // tourney not finished
+ case '*': return strdup("busy"); // tourney not finished
score[w] += wScore;
score[b] += bScore;
endingGame = 0; /* [HGM] crash */
if(popupRequested) { // [HGM] crash: this calls GameEnds recursively through ExitEvent! Make it a harmless tail recursion.
- if(matchMode == TRUE) DisplayFatalError(ranking ? ranking : buf, 0, 0); else {
- matchMode = FALSE; appData.matchGames = matchGame = roundNr = 0;
- DisplayNote(ranking ? ranking : buf);
+ if(matchMode == TRUE) { // match through command line: exit with or without popup
+ if(ranking) {
+ if(strcmp(ranking, "busy")) DisplayFatalError(ranking, 0, 0);
+ else ExitEvent(0);
+ } else DisplayFatalError(buf, 0, 0);
+ } else { // match through menu; just stop, with or without popup
+ matchMode = FALSE; appData.matchGames = matchGame = roundNr = 0;
+ if(ranking){
+ if(strcmp(ranking, "busy")) DisplayNote(ranking);
+ } else DisplayNote(buf);
if(ranking) free(ranking);