This was a Boolean option, and thus accessed by the args.h code as such,
while it was declared as an int (and used in backend.c as such). This
could have led to problems with different endianness.
int initialRulePlies, FENrulePlies;
FILE *serverMoves = NULL; // next two for broadcasting (/serverMoves option)
int loadFlag = 0;
-int shuffleOpenings;
+Boolean shuffleOpenings;
int mute; // mute all sounds
// [HGM] vari: next 12 to save and restore variations
} ChessProgramStats;
extern ChessProgramStats_Move pvInfoList[MAX_MOVES];
-extern int shuffleOpenings;
+extern Boolean shuffleOpenings;
extern ChessProgramStats programStats;
extern int opponentKibitzes; // used by wengineo.c
extern int errorExitStatus;\r
extern int searchTime;
extern Atom wm_delete_window;
extern int squareSize, lineGap, defaultLineGap, useImages, useImageSqs;
-extern int shuffleOpenings;
extern int startedFromPositionFile;
extern char *icsTextMenuString;
extern char ICSInputTranslations[];