#ifdef TODO_GTK
+gboolean KeyPressProc(window, eventkey, data)
+ GtkWindow *window;
+ GdkEventKey *eventkey;
+ gpointer data;
+ MoveTypeInProc(eventkey); // pop up for typed in moves
+ // handle shift+<number> cases
+ if (eventkey->state & GDK_SHIFT_MASK) {
+ guint keyval;
+ gdk_keymap_translate_keyboard_state(NULL, eventkey->hardware_keycode,
+ 0, eventkey->group,
+ &keyval, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+ switch(keyval) {
+ case GDK_1:
+ AskQuestionEvent("Direct command", "Send to chess program:", "", "1");
+ break;
+ case GDK_2:
+ AskQuestionEvent("Direct command", "Send to second chess program:", "", "2");
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check for other key values */
+ switch(eventkey->keyval) {
+ case GDK_question:
+ AboutGameEvent();
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ return False;
KeyBindingProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms)
{ // [HGM] new method of key binding: specify MenuItem(FlipView) in stead of FlipViewProc in translation string
return k;
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
-static void
-MoveTypeInProc (Widget widget, caddr_t unused, XEvent *event)
+void MoveTypeInProc(eventkey)
+ GdkEventKey *eventkey;
char buf[10];
- KeySym sym;
- int n = XLookupString(&(event->xkey), buf, 10, &sym, NULL);
- if ( n == 1 && *buf >= 32 // printable
- && !(ShiftKeys() & 0x3C) // no Alt, Ctrl
- ) BoxAutoPopUp (buf);
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
-static void
-UpKeyProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms)
-{ // [HGM] input: let up-arrow recall previous line from history
- IcsKey(1);
-static void
-DownKeyProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms)
-{ // [HGM] input: let down-arrow recall next line from history
- IcsKey(-1);
+ // ingnore if ctrl or alt is pressed
+ if (eventkey->state & (GDK_CONTROL_MASK | GDK_MOD1_MASK)) {
+ return;
+ }
-static void
-EnterKeyProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms)
- IcsKey(0);
+ buf[0]=eventkey->keyval;
+ buf[1]='\0';
+ if (*buf >= 32)
+ BoxAutoPopUp (buf);
+#ifdef TODO_GTK
TempBackwardProc (Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms)
#include <cairo/cairo.h>
#include <cairo/cairo-xlib.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
+#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
#include "common.h"
#include "backend.h"
filterTranslations, gameListTranslations, memoTranslations
+static gboolean
+ICSKeyEvent(GtkWidget *widget, GdkEventKey *event)
+ switch(event->keyval) {
+ case GDK_Return: IcsKey(0); return TRUE;
+ case GDK_Up: IcsKey(1); return TRUE;
+ case GDK_Down: IcsKey(-1); return TRUE;
+ default: return FALSE;
+ }
AddHandler (Option *opt, int nr)
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
switch(nr) {
- case
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2: break;
+ case 3: g_signal_connect(opt->handle, "key-press-event", G_CALLBACK (ICSKeyEvent), NULL); break;
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 6: break;
+#ifdef TODO_GTK
XtOverrideTranslations(opt->handle, XtParseTranslationTable(translationTable[nr]));
shellUp[n]--; // count rather than clear
if(n == 0 || n >= PromoDlg) {
shells[n] = NULL;
- }
+ }
if(marked[n]) {
MarkMenuItem(marked[n], False);
return 1;
-gboolean GenericPopDown(w, event, gdata)
+/* GTK callback used when OK/cancel clicked in genericpopup for non-modal dialog */
+gboolean GenericPopDown(w, resptype, gdata)
GtkWidget *w;
- GdkEvent *event;
- gpointer gdata;
+ GtkResponseType resptype;
+ gpointer gdata;
- int dlg = (intptr_t) gdata; /* dialog number dlgnr */
+ DialogClass dlg = (intptr_t) gdata; /* dialog number dlgnr */
+ GtkWidget *sh = shells[dlg];
+ currentOption = dialogOptions[dlg];
#ifdef TODO_GTK
// I guess BrowserDlg will be abandoned, as GTK has a better browser of its own
- if(shellUp[BrowserDlg] && dlg != BrowserDlg || dialogError) return; // prevent closing dialog when it has an open file-browse daughter
+ if(shellUp[BrowserDlg] && dlg != BrowserDlg || dialogError) return True; // prevent closing dialog when it has an open file-browse daughter
- if(browserUp || dialogError && dlg != FatalDlg) return True; // prevent closing dialog when it has an open file-browse daughter
+ if(browserUp || dialogError && dlg != FatalDlg) return True; // prevent closing dialog when it has an open file-browse or error-popup daughter
- GtkWidget *sh = shells[dlg];
-printf("popdown %d\n", dlg);
shells[dlg] = w; // make sure we pop down the right one in case of multiple instances
- PopDown(dlg);
+ /* OK pressed */
+ if (resptype == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
+ if (GenericReadout(currentOption, -1)) PopDown(dlg);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else
+ /* cancel pressed */
+ {
+ if(dlg == BoardWindow) ExitEvent(0);
+ PopDown(dlg);
+ }
shells[dlg] = sh; // restore
- if(dlg == BoardWindow) ExitEvent(0);
- return True; /* don't propagate to default handler */
+ return TRUE;
int AppendText(Option *opt, char *s)
*) &e, (gpointer) opt); // fake expose event
-/* GTK callback used when OK/cancel clicked in genericpopup for non-modal dialog */
-void GenericPopUpCallback(w, resptype, gdata)
- GtkWidget *w;
- GtkResponseType resptype;
- gpointer gdata;
- int data = (intptr_t) gdata; /* dialog number dlgnr */
- DialogClass dlg;
- currentOption = dialogOptions[dlg=data>>16]; data &= 0xFFFF;
- /* OK pressed */
- if (resptype == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT) {
- if (GenericReadout(currentOption, -1)) PopDown(data);
- return;
- }
- /* cancel pressed */
- PopDown(dlg);
void GenericCallback(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer gdata)
const gchar *name;
sh = shells[dlg]; // make following line a no-op, as we haven't found out what the real shell is yet (breaks multiple popups of same type!)
oldSh = shells[dlg]; shells[dlg] = sh; // bow to reality
-#ifdef TODO_GTK
if (data == 30000) { // cancel
} else
if (data == 30001) { // save buttons imply OK
if(GenericReadout(currentOption, -1)) PopDown(dlg); // calls OK-proc after full readout, but no popdown if it returns false
} else
if(currentCps) {
name = gtk_button_get_label (GTK_BUTTON(widget));
int i, j, arraysize, left, top, height=999, width=1, boxStart;
char def[MSG_SIZ], *msg, engineDlg = (currentCps != NULL && dlgNr != BrowserDlg);
if(dlgNr < PromoDlg && shellUp[dlgNr]) return 0; // already up
if(dlgNr && dlgNr < PromoDlg && shells[dlgNr]) { // reusable, and used before (but popped down)
g_signal_connect (dialog, "response",
- G_CALLBACK (GenericPopUpCallback),
- (gpointer)(intptr_t) (dlgNr<<16 | i));
+ G_CALLBACK (GenericPopDown),
+ (gpointer)(intptr_t) dlgNr);
g_signal_connect (dialog, "delete-event",
G_CALLBACK (GenericPopDown),
(gpointer)(intptr_t) dlgNr);