A hit-and-run capture of by a Falcon or Eagle was not recognized as a
counter strike against a Lion if it was one, as only the regular victim
was tested for lionhood.
MapFromScratch(attacks); // for as long as incremental update does not work.\r
//if(flag & depth >= 0) printf("%2d:%d mapped %d/%d %s\n", depth, iterDep, curMove, msp, MoveToText(moveStack[curMove], 0));\r
//if(PATH) pmap(attacks, stm);\r
- if(chuFlag && p[tb.victim].value == LVAL) {// verify legality of Lion capture in Chu Shogi\r
+ if(chuFlag && (p[tb.victim].value == LVAL || p[tb.epVictim[0]].value == LVAL)) {// verify legality of Lion capture in Chu Shogi\r
score = 0;\r
if(p[tb.piece].value == LVAL) { // Ln x Ln: can make Ln 'vulnerable' (if distant and not through intemediate > GB)\r
if(dist[tb.from-tb.to] != 1 && attacks[2*tb.to + stm] && p[tb.epVictim[0]].value <= 50)\r