USI engines can emit 'bestmove win' to claim a win, e.g. because
of the point count in an impasse situation. This is traslated to
a CECP result claim in favor of the side to move, with REASON "claim".
// move was a move to be played\r
if(p = strstr(line+8, " draw")) *p = 0, printf("offer draw\n"); // UCCI\r
if(strstr(line+9, "resign")) { printf("resign\n"); computer = NONE; }\r
+ if(strstr(line+9, "win")) { printf("%s {claim}\n", stm== WHITE ? "1-0" :"0-1"); computer = NONE; } // USI\r
if(strstr(line+9, "(none)") || strstr(line+9, "null") ||\r
strstr(line+9, "0000")) { printf("%s\n", lastScore < -99999 ? "resign" : "1/2-1/2 {stalemate}"); computer = NONE; }\r
sscanf(line, "bestmove %s", move[moveNr++]);\r