* Inhibit shell resizing.
- ResizeBoardWindow(boardWidth, boardHeight, !cairoAnimate);
+ ResizeBoardWindow(boardWidth, boardHeight, 0);
DoDrawOneSquare (cairo_surface_t *dest, int x, int y, ChessSquare piece, int square_color, int marker, char *string, int align)
{ // basic front-end board-draw function: takes care of everything that can be in square:
// piece, background, coordinate/count, marker dot
- int direction, font_ascent, font_descent;
- XCharStruct overall;
cairo_t *cr;
if (piece == EmptySquare) {
if(align) { // square carries inscription (coord or piece count)
int xx = x, yy = y;
- // first calculate where it goes
- XTextExtents(countFontStruct, string, 1, &direction,
- &font_ascent, &font_descent, &overall);
- if (align == 1) {
- xx += squareSize - overall.width - 2;
- yy += squareSize - font_descent - 1;
- } else if (align == 2) {
- xx += 2, yy += font_ascent + 1;
- } else if (align == 3) {
- xx += squareSize - overall.width - 2;
- yy += font_ascent + 1;
- } else if (align == 4) {
- xx += 2, yy += font_ascent + 1;
- }
+ cairo_text_extents_t te;
cr = cairo_create (dest);
cairo_select_font_face (cr, "Sans",
cairo_set_font_size (cr, squareSize/4);
+ // calculate where it goes
+ cairo_text_extents (cr, string, &te);
+ if (align == 1) {
+ xx += squareSize - te.width - te.x_bearing - 1;
+ yy += squareSize - te.height - te.y_bearing - 1;
+ } else if (align == 2) {
+ xx += te.x_bearing + 1, yy += -te.y_bearing + 1;
+ } else if (align == 3) {
+ xx += squareSize - te.width -te.x_bearing - 1;
+ yy += -te.y_bearing + 3;
+ } else if (align == 4) {
+ xx += te.x_bearing + 1, yy += -te.y_bearing + 3;
+ }
cairo_move_to (cr, xx-1, yy);
if(align < 3) cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);