When moves were deleted from the book, this was only shown after
quitting and restarting XBoard, because the stream that was used for
reading the book was a different one as the stream writing it.
return count;
+static int dirty;
ReadFromBookFile (int moveNr, char *book, entry_t entries[])
{ // retrieve all entries for given position from book in 'entries', return number.
static char curBook[MSG_SIZ];
if(book == NULL) return -1;
+ if(dirty) { if(f) fclose(f); dirty = 0; f = NULL; }
if(!f || strcmp(book, curBook)){ // keep book file open until book changed
strncpy(curBook, book, MSG_SIZ);
if(f) fclose(f);
writepos += len2;
} while(len1);
+ dirty = 1;