!(fromX >=0 && fromY >= 0 && toX >= 0 && toY >= 0) ) // invalid move
return FALSE;
+ if(legal[toY][toX] == 4) return FALSE;
piece = boards[currentMove][fromY][fromX];
if(gameInfo.variant == VariantChu) {
promotionZoneSize = BOARD_HEIGHT/3;
int s = 0;
marker[r][f] = 0;
if(*fen == 'M') legal[r][f] = 2; else // request promotion choice
+ if(*fen == 'B') legal[r][f] = 4; else // request auto-promotion to victim
if(*fen >= 'A' && *fen <= 'Z') legal[r][f] = 3; else
if(*fen >= 'a' && *fen <= 'z') *fen += 'A' - 'a';
if(*fen == '/' && f > BOARD_LEFT) f = BOARD_LEFT, r--; else
Boolean right; // instructs front-end to use button-1 events as if they were button 3
+Boolean deferChoice;
LeftClick (ClickType clickType, int xPix, int yPix)
int x, y;
- Boolean saveAnimate;
+ static Boolean saveAnimate;
static int second = 0, promotionChoice = 0, clearFlag = 0, sweepSelecting = 0, flashing = 0, saveFlash;
char promoChoice = NULLCHAR;
ChessSquare piece;
if(flashing) return;
+ if(!deferChoice) { // when called for a retry, skip everything to the point where we left off
x = EventToSquare(xPix, BOARD_WIDTH);
y = EventToSquare(yPix, BOARD_HEIGHT);
if (!flipView && y >= 0) {
else ReportClick("put", x, y);
if(gatingPiece != EmptySquare && gameInfo.variant == VariantSChess) promoChoice = ToLower(PieceToChar(gatingPiece));
+ }
if(legal[toY][toX] == 2) { // highlight-induced promotion
if(piece == defaultPromoChoice) promoChoice = NULLCHAR; // deferral
else promoChoice = ToLower(PieceToChar(defaultPromoChoice));
+ } else if(legal[toY][toX] == 4) { // blue target square: engine must supply promotion choice
+ if(!*promoRestrict) { // but has not done that yet
+ deferChoice = TRUE; // set up retry for when it does
+ return; // and wait for that
+ }
+ promoChoice = ToLower(*promoRestrict); // force engine's choice
+ deferChoice = FALSE;
if (legal[toY][toX] == 2 && !appData.sweepSelect || HasPromotionChoice(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, &promoChoice, appData.sweepSelect)) {
- if(sscanf(message, "choice %s", promoRestrict) == 1 && promoSweep != EmptySquare) {
- promoSweep = CharToPiece(currentMove&1 ? ToLower(*promoRestrict) : ToUpper(*promoRestrict));
- Sweep(0);
+ if(sscanf(message, "choice %s", promoRestrict) == 1) {
+ if(deferChoice) {
+ LeftClick(Press, 0, 0); // finish the click that was interrupted
+ } else if(promoSweep != EmptySquare) {
+ promoSweep = CharToPiece(currentMove&1 ? ToLower(*promoRestrict) : ToUpper(*promoRestrict));
+ if(strlen(promoRestrict) > 1) Sweep(0);
+ }
/* [HGM] Allow engine to set up a position. Don't ask me why one would