For pieces with Shogi-like promotion (i.e. if the promoted piece has
pieceToChar defined as '+'), let a second click on it in Edit Position
mode promote or demote it (as the case requires) when the piece menu is off,
rather than remove it (as was the old behavior.
DrawPosition(FALSE, boards[currentMove]);
} else if (toX >= 0 && toY >= 0) {
+ if(!appData.pieceMenu && toX == fromX && toY == fromY && boards[0][rf][ff] != EmptySquare) {
+ ChessSquare q, p = boards[0][rf][ff];
+ if(p >= BlackPawn) p = BLACK_TO_WHITE p;
+ if(CHUPROMOTED p < BlackPawn) p = q = CHUPROMOTED boards[0][rf][ff];
+ else p = CHUDEMOTED (q = boards[0][rf][ff]);
+ if(PieceToChar(q) == '+') gatingPiece = p;
+ }
boards[0][toY][toX] = boards[0][fromY][fromX];
if(fromX == BOARD_LEFT-2) { // handle 'moves' out of holdings
if(boards[0][fromY][0] != EmptySquare) {