/* TRANSLATORS: the drop menu is used to drop a piece, e.g. during bughouse or editing a position */
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.dropMenu, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Drop Menu") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.variations, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Enable Variation Trees") },
+{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.headers, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Headers in Engine Output Window") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.hideThinkingFromHuman, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Hide Thinking from Human") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.highlightLastMove, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Highlight Last Move") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.highlightMoveWithArrow, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Highlight with Arrow") },
static int engineState[2] = { -1, -1 };
static char lastLine[2][MSG_SIZ];
static char header[2][MSG_SIZ];
+static char columnHeader[MSG_SIZ] = "dep\tscore\tnodes\ttime\n";
+static int columnMask;
#define MAX_VAR 400
static int scores[MAX_VAR], textEnd[MAX_VAR], keys[MAX_VAR], curDepth[2], nrVariations[2];
if( clearMemo ) {
+ if(!appData.headers) columnHeader[0] = NULLCHAR;
DoClearMemo(which); nrVariations[which] = 0;
header[which][0] = NULLCHAR;
if(gameMode == AnalyzeMode) {
snprintf(header[which], MSG_SIZ, "\t%s viewpoint\t\tfewer / Multi-PV setting = %d / more\n",
appData.whitePOV || appData.scoreWhite ? "white" : "mover", cps->option[multi].value);
- if(!which) snprintf(header[which]+strlen(header[which]), MSG_SIZ-strlen(header[which]), "%s", exclusionHeader);
+ if(!which) snprintf(header[which]+strlen(header[which]), MSG_SIZ-strlen(header[which]), "%s%s", exclusionHeader, columnHeader);
InsertIntoMemo( which, header[which], 0);
- } else
- if(appData.ponderNextMove && lastLine[which][0]) {
+ } else {
+ snprintf(header[which], MSG_SIZ, "%s", columnHeader);
+ if(appData.ponderNextMove && lastLine[which][0]) {
InsertIntoMemo( which, lastLine[which], 0 );
InsertIntoMemo( which, "\n", 0 );
+ }
+ InsertIntoMemo( which, header[which], 0);
scores[n] = newScore;
nrVariations[n] += 2;
- return offs + (gameMode == AnalyzeMode)*strlen(header[ed->which]);
+ return offs + strlen(header[ed->which]);
/* Memo */
if( ed->pv != 0 && *ed->pv != '\0' ) {
+ static char spaces[] = " "; // [HGM] align: spaces for padding
char s_nodes[24];
char s_score[16];
char s_time[24];
/* Nodes */
if( ed->nodes < 1000000 ) {
- snprintf( s_nodes, sizeof(s_nodes)/sizeof(s_nodes[0]), u64Display, ed->nodes );
+ int h = ed->nodes, i=0;
+ while(h > 0) h /= 10, i++; // [HGM] align: count digits; pad with 2 spaces for every missing digit
+ snprintf( s_nodes, sizeof(s_nodes)/sizeof(s_nodes[0]), u64Display "%s\t", ed->nodes, spaces + 2*i);
else {
- snprintf( s_nodes, sizeof(s_nodes)/sizeof(s_nodes[0]), "%.1fM", u64ToDouble(ed->nodes) / 1000000.0 );
+ snprintf( s_nodes, sizeof(s_nodes)/sizeof(s_nodes[0]), "%.1fM%s\t", u64ToDouble(ed->nodes) / 1000000.0,
+ spaces + 8 + 2*(ed->nodes > 1e7));
/* Score */
h = ((gameMode == AnalyzeMode && appData.whitePOV || appData.scoreWhite) && !WhiteOnMove(currentMove) ? -1 : 1) * ed->score;
+ if( h == 0 ) {
+ snprintf( s_score, sizeof(s_score)/sizeof(s_score[0]), " 0.00\t" );
+ } else
if( h > 0 ) {
- snprintf( s_score, sizeof(s_score)/sizeof(s_score[0]), "+%.2f", h / 100.0 );
+ snprintf( s_score, sizeof(s_score)/sizeof(s_score[0]), "+%.2f\t", h / 100.0 );
else {
- snprintf( s_score, sizeof(s_score)/sizeof(s_score[0]), "%.2f", h / 100.0 );
+ snprintf( s_score, sizeof(s_score)/sizeof(s_score[0]), " %.2f\t", h / 100.0 );
/* Time */
- snprintf( s_time, sizeof(s_time)/sizeof(s_time[0]), "%d:%02d.%02d", time_secs / 60, time_secs % 60, time_cent );
+ snprintf( s_time, sizeof(s_time)/sizeof(s_time[0]), "%d:%02d.%02d\t", time_secs / 60, time_secs % 60, time_cent );
+ if(columnMask & 2) s_score[0] = NULLCHAR; // [HGM] hide: erase columns the user has hidden
+ if(columnMask & 4) s_nodes[0] = NULLCHAR;
+ if(columnMask & 8) s_time[0] = NULLCHAR;
/* Put all together... */
if(ed->nodes == 0 && ed->score == 0 && ed->time == 0)
snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), "%3d\t", ed->depth );
- snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), "%3d\t%s\t%s\t%s\t", ed->depth, s_score, s_nodes, s_time );
+ snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf)/sizeof(buf[0]), "%3d\t%s%s%s", ed->depth, s_score, s_nodes, s_time );
/* Add PV */
buflen = strlen(buf);
SetEngineColorIcon( ed->which );
+static char *titles[] = { "score\t", "nodes\t", "time\t" };
+Collapse(int n)
+{ // handle click on column headers, to hide / show them
+ int i, j, nr=0, m=~columnMask, Ncol=4;
+ for(i=0; columnHeader[i] && i<n; i++) nr += (columnHeader[i] == '\t');
+ if(!nr) return; // depth always shown, so clicks on it ignored
+ for(i=j=0; i<Ncol; i++) if(m & 1<<i) j++; // count hidden columns
+ if(nr < j) { // shown column clicked: hide it
+ for(i=j=0; i<Ncol; i++) if(m & 1<<i && j++ == nr) break;
+ columnMask |= 1<<i;
+ } else { // hidden column clicked: show it
+ m = ~m; nr -= j;
+ for(i=j=0; i<Ncol; i++) if(m & 1<<i && j++ == nr) break;
+ columnMask &= ~(1<<i);
+ }
+ // create new header line
+ strcpy(columnHeader, "dep\t");
+ m = ~columnMask;
+ for(i=j=1; i<Ncol; i++) if(m & 1<<i) strcat(columnHeader, titles[i-1]), j++;
+ if(j != Ncol) { // list hidden columns, so user ca click them
+ m = ~m; strcat(columnHeader, "(not shown: ");
+ for(i=1; i<Ncol; i++) if(m & 1<<i) strcat(columnHeader, titles[i-1]);
+ strcat(columnHeader, ")");
+ }
+ strcat(columnHeader, "\n");
// [HGM] kibitz: write kibitz line; split window for it if necessary
OutputKibitz (int window, char *text)