Presumably people will use larger fonts if they use larger board squares.
(And in any case te default fonts would be larger.) This means they need
more space to see what is the current value of text options.
} else texts[h] = dialog = NULL; // kludge to position from left margin
w = option[i].type == Spin || option[i].type == Fractional ? 70 : option[i].max ? option[i].max : 205;
if(option[i].type == FileName || option[i].type == PathName) w -= 55;
+ if(squareSize > 33) w += (squareSize - 33)/2;
j = SetPositionAndSize(args, dialog, last, 1 /* border */,
w /* w */, option[i].type == TextBox ? option[i].value : 0 /* h */, 0x91 /* chain full width */);
if(option[i].type == TextBox) { // decorations for multi-line text-edits