+char *pieceTypeName[] = {\r
+ "Pawn", "Knight", "Bishop", "Rook", "Queen", \r
+ "Guard", "Elephant", "Arch Bishop", "Chancellor",\r
+ "General", "Man", "Cannon", "Night Rider",\r
+ "Crowned Bishop", "Crowned Rook", "Grass Hopper", "Veteran",\r
+ "Falcon", "Amazon", "Snake", "Unicorn",\r
+ "King",\r
+ "Pawn", "Knight", "Bishop", "Rook", "Queen", \r
+ "Guard", "Elephant", "Arch Bishop", "Chancellor",\r
+ "General", "Man", "Cannon", "Night Rider",\r
+ "Crowned Bishop", "Crowned Rook", "Grass Hopper", "Veteran",\r
+ "Falcon", "Amazon", "Snake", "Unicorn",\r
+ "King",\r
+ "Empty"\r
+ };\r
int CoordToNum(c)\r
char c;\r
int i;\r
if(i) return pieceToName[(int) p];\r
- return pieceToName[(int) p]+6;\r
+ return pieceTypeName[(int) p];\r
char* SquareToChar(x)\r
HMENU menuMain, menuJAWS;\r
MENUBARINFO helpMenuInfo;\r
- int e, i;\r
+ int i;\r
helpMenuInfo.cbSize = sizeof(helpMenuInfo);\r
menuMain = GetMenu(hwndMain);\r
return TRUE;\r
+int beeps[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 };\r
KeyboardEvent(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)\r
ChessSquare currentPiece;\r
char *piece, *xchar, *ynum ;\r
- int n;\r
+ int n, beepType = 1; // empty beep\r
if(fromX == -1 || fromY == -1) {\r
fromX = BOARD_LEFT; fromY = 0;\r
switch(wParam) {\r
case VK_LEFT:\r
if(fromX == BOARD_RGHT+1) fromX -= 2; else\r
- if(fromX == BOARD_LEFT) { if(fromY >= BOARD_HEIGHT - gameInfo.holdingsSize) fromX -= 2; } else\r
- if(fromX > BOARD_LEFT) fromX--;\r
+ if(fromX == BOARD_LEFT) { if(fromY >= BOARD_HEIGHT - gameInfo.holdingsSize) fromX -= 2; else beepType = 0; } else\r
+ if(fromX > BOARD_LEFT) fromX--; else beepType = 0; // off-board beep\r
case VK_RIGHT:\r
if(fromX == BOARD_LEFT-2) fromX += 2; else\r
- if(fromX == BOARD_RGHT-1) { if(fromY < gameInfo.holdingsSize) fromX += 2; } else\r
- if(fromX < BOARD_RGHT-1) fromX++;\r
+ if(fromX == BOARD_RGHT-1) { if(fromY < gameInfo.holdingsSize) fromX += 2; else beepType = 0; } else\r
+ if(fromX < BOARD_RGHT-1) fromX++; else beepType = 0;\r
case VK_UP:\r
- if(fromX == BOARD_RGHT+1) { if(fromY < gameInfo.holdingsSize - 1) fromY++; } else\r
- if(fromY < BOARD_HEIGHT-1) fromY++;\r
+ if(fromX == BOARD_RGHT+1) { if(fromY < gameInfo.holdingsSize - 1) fromY++; else beepType = 0; } else\r
+ if(fromY < BOARD_HEIGHT-1) fromY++; else beepType = 0;\r
case VK_DOWN:\r
- if(fromX == BOARD_LEFT-2) { if(fromY > BOARD_HEIGHT - gameInfo.holdingsSize) fromY--; } else\r
- if(fromY > 0) fromY--;\r
+ if(fromX == BOARD_LEFT-2) { if(fromY > BOARD_HEIGHT - gameInfo.holdingsSize) fromY--; else beepType = 0; } else\r
+ if(fromY > 0) fromY--; else beepType = 0;\r
SetHighlights(fromX, fromY, -1, -1);\r
DrawPosition(FALSE, NULL);\r
currentPiece = boards[currentMove][fromY][fromX];\r
piece = PieceToName(currentPiece,1);\r
- if(currentPiece != EmptySquare) MessageBeep(currentPiece < (int)BlackPawn ? MB_OK : MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);\r
+ if(beepType == 1 && currentPiece != EmptySquare) beepType = currentPiece < (int) BlackPawn ? 2 : 3; // white or black beep\r
+ if(beeps[beepType] == beeps[1] && (fromX == BOARD_RGHT+1 || fromX == BOARD_LEFT-2)) beepType = 4; // holdings beep\r
+ beepType = beeps[beepType]%6;\r
+ if(beepType) MessageBeep(beepCodes[beepType]);\r
if(fromX == BOARD_LEFT - 2) {\r
SayString("black holdings", FALSE);\r
if(currentPiece != EmptySquare) {\r
char buf[MSG_SIZ];\r
n = boards[currentMove][fromY][1];\r
- sprintf(buf, "%d %s%s", n, piece+6, n == 1 ? "" : "s");\r
+ sprintf(buf, "%d %s%s", n, PieceToName(currentPiece,0), n == 1 ? "" : "s");\r
SayString(buf, TRUE);\r
} else\r
if(currentPiece != EmptySquare) {\r
char buf[MSG_SIZ];\r
n = boards[currentMove][fromY][BOARD_WIDTH-2];\r
- sprintf(buf, "%d %s%s", n, piece+6, n == 1 ? "" : "s");\r
+ sprintf(buf, "%d %s%s", n, PieceToName(currentPiece,0), n == 1 ? "" : "s");\r
SayString(buf, TRUE);\r
} else\r
int Xpos, Ypos;\r
ChessSquare currentpiece;\r
- char *piece, *xchar, *ynum ;\r
+ char *piece, *ynum ;\r
if(gameInfo.holdingsWidth) {\r
int first = 0;\r
for(Xpos=BOARD_LEFT; Xpos<BOARD_RGHT; Xpos++) {\r
currentpiece = boards[currentMove][Ypos][Xpos]; \r
if(currentpiece != EmptySquare) {\r
- int count = 0, oldX = Xpos;\r
+ int count = 0;\r
char buf[50];\r
piece = PieceToName(currentpiece,1);\r
while(Xpos < BOARD_RGHT && boards[currentMove][Ypos][Xpos] == currentpiece)\r
return (x%3000 == 0);\r
-#if 0\r
- if(isalpha((char)wParam)) {\r
- /* capitals of any ind are intercepted and distinguished by left and right shift */\r
- int mine = GetKeyState(VK_RSHIFT) < 0;\r
- if(mine || GetKeyState(VK_LSHIFT) < 0) {\r
+#define JAWS_ARGS \\r
+ { "beepOffBoard", ArgInt, (LPVOID) beeps, TRUE },\\r
+ { "beepEmpty", ArgInt, (LPVOID) (beeps+1), TRUE },\\r
+ { "beepWhite", ArgInt, (LPVOID) (beeps+2), TRUE },\\r
+ { "beepBlack", ArgInt, (LPVOID) (beeps+3), TRUE },\\r
+ { "beepHoldings", ArgInt, (LPVOID) (beeps+4), TRUE },\\r
if(suppressOneKey) {\\r