such a dumb adapter can in principle be used for any variant. To use it for UCI protocol\r
(both the Chess or Xiangqi dialects), use it without the -s flag (or with a -c flag).\r
-This package includes the source code. To compile, use the command\r
+This package includes the source code. To compile on Windows under Cygwin, use the commands\r
-gcc -O2 -s -mno-cygwin UCI2WB.c -o UCI2WB.exe\r
+windres --use-temp-file -O coff UCI2WB.rc -o rosetta.o\r
+gcc -O2 -s -mno-cygwin UCI2WB.c rosetta.o -o UCI2WB.exe\r
+To compile under Linux, use\r
+gcc -O2 -s UCI2WB.c -lpthread -o UCI2WB\r
Have fun,\r
-Change log:
+Change log:\r
Port v1.5 to Linux\r
-26/9/2010 v1.5
-Add mini-Shogi ("variant 5x5+5_shogi") in USI mode; make coordinate translation board-size dependent.
-Translate FEN in setboard to SFEN (does not fully work for holdings yet).
-23/9/2010 v1.4
-Translate USI engine PV to standard coordinates (no provision for deferred promotion yet).
-??/?/2010 v1.3
-Add work-around for non-compliant USI engines that do not understand winc, binc, movestogo.
-Send btime before wtime, to avoid crashing USI engines with flakey (Shogidogoro) USI support.
-1/8/2010 v1.2
-Suppress mate claim on mate-in-1 score in Xiangqi (cyclone dialect),
-as some engines use this score when they reach repeats they would win if continued.
+26/9/2010 v1.5\r
+Add mini-Shogi ("variant 5x5+5_shogi") in USI mode; make coordinate translation board-size dependent.\r
+Translate FEN in setboard to SFEN (does not fully work for holdings yet).\r
+23/9/2010 v1.4\r
+Translate USI engine PV to standard coordinates (no provision for deferred promotion yet).\r
+??/?/2010 v1.3\r
+Add work-around for non-compliant USI engines that do not understand winc, binc, movestogo.\r
+Send btime before wtime, to avoid crashing USI engines with flakey (Shogidogoro) USI support.\r
+1/8/2010 v1.2\r
+Suppress mate claim on mate-in-1 score in Xiangqi (cyclone dialect),\r
+as some engines use this score when they reach repeats they would win if continued.\r
31/7/2010 v1.1\r
Add WB remove command\r
Pondering not tested. (Blunder does not give a ponder move?)\r
Setboard not tested. (Probably does not work due to FEN format discrepancy.)\r
No analyze mode yet.\r
-No SMP yet.
+No SMP yet.\r