void TimeControlProc P((Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms));
void OptionsProc P((Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms));
void NewVariantProc P((Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms));
+void IcsTextProc P((Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms));
void FirstSettingsProc P((Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms));
void SecondSettingsProc P((Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms));
void GameListOptionsPopUp P((Widget w, XEvent *event, String *prms, Cardinal *nprms));
{N_("Move History Alt+Shift+H"), "Show Move History", HistoryShowProc}, // [HGM] hist: activate 4.2.7 code
{N_("Evaluation Graph Alt+Shift+E"), "Show Evaluation Graph", EvalGraphProc},
{N_("Game List Alt+Shift+G"), "Show Game List", ShowGameListProc},
+ {N_("ICS text menu"), "ICStex", IcsTextProc},
{"----", NULL, NothingProc},
{N_("Tags"), "Show Tags", EditTagsProc},
{N_("Comments"), "Show Comments", EditCommentProc},
{ "menuMode.Two Machines", False },
{ "menuMode.Machine Match", False },
{ "menuMode.ICS Client", False },
+ { "menuView.ICStex", False },
{ "menuView.ICS Input Box", False },
{ "Action", False },
{ "menuEdit.Revert", False },
{ "menuEngine.Engine #2 Settings", False },
{ "menuEngine.Move Now", False },
{ "menuEngine.Retract Move", False },
+ { "menuOptions.ICS", False },
{ "menuOptions.Auto Flag", False },
{ "menuOptions.Auto Flip View", False },
- { "menuOptions.ICS", False },
// { "menuOptions.ICS Alarm", False },
{ "menuOptions.Move Sound", False },
{ "menuOptions.Hide Thinking", False },
Enables gnuEnables[] = {
{ "menuMode.ICS Client", False },
+ { "menuView.ICStex", False },
{ "menuView.ICS Input Box", False },
{ "menuAction.Accept", False },
{ "menuAction.Decline", False },
#include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
#include <X11/StringDefs.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>
+#include <X11/Xatom.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Dialog.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/Form.h>
#include <X11/Xaw/List.h>
GenericPopUp(matchOptions, _("Match Options"), 0);
+Option textOptions[100];
+extern char *icsTextMenuString;
+void PutText P((char *text, int pos));
+SendString(char *p)
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ], *q;
+ if(q = strstr(p, "$input")) {
+ if(!shellUp[4]) return;
+ strncpy(buf, p, MSG_SIZ);
+ strncpy(buf + (q-p), q+6, MSG_SIZ-(q-p));
+ PutText(buf, q-p);
+ return;
+ }
+ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s\n", p);
+ SendToICS(buf);
+/* function called when the data to Paste is ready */
+static void
+SendTextCB(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, Atom *selection,
+ Atom *type, XtPointer value, unsigned long *len, int *format)
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ], *p = (char*) textOptions[(int) client_data].choice, *name = (char*) value, *q;
+ if (value==NULL || *len==0) return; /* nothing selected, abort */
+ name[*len]='\0';
+ strncpy(buf, p, MSG_SIZ);
+ q = strstr(p, "$name");
+ snprintf(buf + (q-p), MSG_SIZ -(q-p), "%s%s", name, q+5);
+ SendString(buf);
+ XtFree(value);
+void SendText(int n)
+ char *p = (char*) textOptions[n].choice;
+ if(strstr(p, "$name")) {
+ XtGetSelectionValue(menuBarWidget,
+ /* (XtSelectionCallbackProc) */ SendTextCB,
+ (XtPointer) n, /* client_data passed to PastePositionCB */
+ CurrentTime
+ );
+ } else SendString(p);
+void IcsTextProc(w, event, prms, nprms)
+ Widget w;
+ XEvent *event;
+ String *prms;
+ Cardinal *nprms;
+ int i=0, j;
+ char *p, *q, *r;
+ if((p = icsTextMenuString) == NULL) return;
+ do {
+ q = r = p; while(*p && *p != ';') p++;
+ for(j=0; j<p-q; j++) textOptions[i].name[j] = *r++;
+ textOptions[i].name[j++] = 0;
+ if(!*p) break;
+ if(*++p == '\n') p++; // optional linefeed after button-text terminating semicolon
+ q = p;
+ textOptions[i].choice = (char**) (r = textOptions[i].name + j);
+ while(*p && (*p != ';' || p[1] != '\n')) textOptions[i].name[j++] = *p++;
+ textOptions[i].name[j++] = 0;
+ if(*p) p += 2;
+ textOptions[i].max = 135;
+ textOptions[i].min = i&1;
+ textOptions[i].handle = NULL;
+ textOptions[i].target = &SendText;
+ textOptions[i].textValue = strstr(r, "$input") ? "#80FF80" : strstr(r, "$name") ? "#FF8080" : "#FFFFFF";
+ textOptions[i].type = Button;
+ } while(++i < 99 && *p);
+ if(i == 0) return;
+ textOptions[i].type = EndMark;
+ textOptions[i].target = NULL;
+ textOptions[i].min = 2;
+ MarkMenu("menuView.ICStex", 3);
+ GenericPopUp(textOptions, _("ICS text menu"), 3);
extern char ICSInputTranslations[];
char *icsText;
{ 0, 3, 0, NULL, NULL, "", NULL, EndMark , "" }
-void InputBoxPopup()
+void PutText(char *text, int pos)
Widget edit;
Arg args[16];
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ], *p;
- if(shells[4]) { // if already exists, clear content
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, "");
- XtSetValues(boxOptions[0].handle, args, 1);
+ if(strstr(text, "$add ") == text) {
+ XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, &p);
+ XtGetValues(boxOptions[0].handle, args, 1);
+ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s%s", p, text+5); text = buf;
+ pos += strlen(p) - 5;
+ XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, text);
+ XtSetValues(boxOptions[0].handle, args, 1);
+ XtSetArg(args[0], XtNinsertPosition, pos);
+ XtSetValues(boxOptions[0].handle, args, 1);
+// SetFocus(boxOptions[0].handle, shells[4], NULL, False); // No idea why this does not work, and the following is needed:
+ XSetInputFocus(xDisplay, XtWindow(boxOptions[0].handle), RevertToPointerRoot, CurrentTime);
+void InputBoxPopup()
MarkMenu("menuView.ICS Input Box", 4);
if(GenericPopUp(boxOptions, _("ICS input box"), 4))
XtOverrideTranslations(boxOptions[0].handle, XtParseTranslationTable(ICSInputTranslations));