GtkAttachOptions x = GTK_FILL;
// make sure hbox is always available when we have more options on same row
hbox = gtk_hbox_new (option[i].type == Button && option[i].textValue || option[i].type == Graph, 0);
- if(!currentCps && option[i].value > 80) x |= GTK_EXPAND; // only vertically extended widgets should size vertically
+ if(!currentCps && option[i].value > 80 && option[i].type == TextBox) x |= GTK_EXPAND; // only vertically extended widgets should size vertically
if (strcmp(option[i].name, "") == 0 || option[i].type == Label || option[i].type == Button)
// for Label and Button name is contained inside option
gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), hbox, left, left+r, top, top+1, GTK_FILL | GTK_EXPAND, x, 2, 1);