fflush(toE); fflush(stdout);\r
if(!ReadLine(stdin, line)) printf("# EOF\n"), sprintf(line, "quit -1\n");\r
sscanf(line, "%s", command);\r
- DPRINT("# %s searching=%d\n", command, searching);\r
if(!strcmp(command, "usermove")) { difficult--; break; } // for efficiency during game play, moves, time & otim are tried first\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "time")) sscanf(line+4, "%d", &myTime), myTime = (10*myTime)/unit;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "otim")) sscanf(line+4, "%d", &hisTime), hisTime = (10*hisTime)/unit;\r
suspended = 1 + (searching == 1); // remember if we were pondering, and stop search ignoring bestmove\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "xboard")) ;\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "accepted")) ;\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "rejected")) ;\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "computer")) comp = 1;\r
else { //convert easy & hard to "option" after treating their effect on the adapter\r
if(!strcmp(command, "easy")) {\r
if(*canPonder) ponder = 0, sprintf(command, "option"), sprintf(line, "option %s=0\n", canPonder); else continue;\r
suspended = 0; *qEnd++ = '\n'; Sync(WAKEUP); // causes search to start in normal way if on move or analyzing\r
} else\r
+ DPRINT("# queue '%s', searching=%d\n", command, searching);\r
if(searching == 3) { // command arrived during thinking; order abort for 'instant commands'\r
if(!strcmp(command, "?") || !strcmp(command, "quit") ||\r
!strcmp(command, "force") || !strcmp(command, "result")) StopSearch(0);\r
inex = 1; line[strlen(line)-1] = sm = 0; // strip LF and clear sm flag\r
for(i=1; i<nr; i++) { if(!strcmp(line+8, moveMap[i]) || all) on[i] = in; sm |= on[i]+1; } // sm: 2 = enabled, 1 = disabled\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "xboard")) ;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "analyze"))computer = ANALYZE, collect = 1, sm = 0, Analyze("true");\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "exit")) computer = NONE, Analyze("false");\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "force")) computer = NONE;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "sd")) sscanf(line, "sd %d", &depth);\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "st")) sscanf(line, "st %d", &sTime), sTime = 1000*sTime - 30, inc = 0, sTime /= unit;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "name")) { if(namOpt) EPRINT((f, "# setoption name UCI_Opponent value none none %s %s", comp ? "computer" : "human", line+5)) }\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "computer")) comp = 1;\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "result")) {\r
if(sc == 's') EPRINT((f, "# gameover %s\n", line[8] == '/' ? "draw" : (line[7] == '0') == mySide ? "win" : "lose"))\r
computer = NONE;\r