if(gameMode == AnalyzeMode && (pausing || controlKey) && first.excludeMoves) { // use pause state to exclude moves
doubleClick = TRUE; gatingPiece = boards[currentMove][y][x];
- fromX = x; fromY = y; toX = toY = -1;
+ fromX = x; fromY = y; toX = toY = killX = killY = -1;
if(!appData.oneClick || !OnlyMove(&x, &y, FALSE) ||
// even if only move, we treat as normal when this would trigger a promotion popup, to allow sweep selection
appData.sweepSelect && CanPromote(boards[currentMove][fromY][fromX], fromY) && originalY != y) {
/* fromX != -1 */
- if (clickType == Press && gameMode != EditPosition && killX < 0) {
+ if (clickType == Press && gameMode != EditPosition) {
ChessSquare fromP;
ChessSquare toP;
int frc;
fromP = boards[currentMove][fromY][fromX];
toP = boards[currentMove][y][x];
frc = gameInfo.variant == VariantFischeRandom || gameInfo.variant == VariantCapaRandom || gameInfo.variant == VariantSChess;
- if ((WhitePawn <= fromP && fromP <= WhiteKing &&
+ if( (killX < 0 || x != fromX || y != fromY) && // [HGM] lion: do not interpret igui as deselect!
+ ((WhitePawn <= fromP && fromP <= WhiteKing &&
WhitePawn <= toP && toP <= WhiteKing &&
!(fromP == WhiteKing && toP == WhiteRook && frc) &&
!(fromP == WhiteRook && toP == WhiteKing && frc)) ||
(BlackPawn <= fromP && fromP <= BlackKing &&
BlackPawn <= toP && toP <= BlackKing &&
!(fromP == BlackRook && toP == BlackKing && frc) && // allow also RxK as FRC castling
- !(fromP == BlackKing && toP == BlackRook && frc))) {
+ !(fromP == BlackKing && toP == BlackRook && frc)))) {
/* Clicked again on same color piece -- changed his mind */
second = (x == fromX && y == fromY);
+ killX = killY = -1;
if(second && gameMode == AnalyzeMode && SubtractTimeMarks(&lastClickTime, &prevClickTime) < 200) {
second = FALSE; // first double-click rather than scond click
doubleClick = first.excludeMoves; // used by UserMoveEvent to recognize exclude moves