The advance switching of the variant on game-start messages was
disruptive for users with gin=1, which also sends such messages
for other games than your own. For now fixed by only reacting on
them when idle (detected by invalid game number).
strncmp(why, "Continuing ", 11) == 0) {
gs_gamenum = gamenum;
safeStrCpy(gs_kind, strchr(why, ' ') + 1,sizeof(gs_kind)/sizeof(gs_kind[0]));
+ if(ics_gamenum == -1) // [HGM] only if we are not already involved in a game (because gin=1 sends us such messages)
VariantSwitch(boards[currentMove], StringToVariant(gs_kind)); // [HGM] variantswitch: even before we get first board
if (appData.zippyPlay) {