if(appData.pvSAN[cps==&second]) pv = PvToSAN(buf1);
+ if(serverMoves && (time > 100 || time == 0 && plylev > 7)) {
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ];
+ FILE *f;
+ snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "%s", appData.serverMovesName);
+ buf[strlen(buf)-1] = gameMode == MachinePlaysWhite ? 'w' :
+ gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack ? 'b' : cps->twoMachinesColor[0];
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "write PV on file '%s'\n", buf);
+ if(f = fopen(buf, "w")) { // export PV to applicable PV file
+ fprintf(f, "%5.2f/%-2d %s", curscore/100., plylev, pv);
+ fclose(f);
+ } else DisplayError("failed writing PV", 0);
+ }
tempStats.depth = plylev;
tempStats.nodes = nodes;
tempStats.time = time;
// forwardMostMove++; // [HGM] bare: moved downstream
+ (void) CoordsToAlgebraic(boards[forwardMostMove],
+ PosFlags(forwardMostMove),
+ fromY, fromX, toY, toX, promoChar,
+ parseList[forwardMostMove]);
if(serverMoves != NULL) { /* [HGM] write moves on file for broadcasting (should be separate routine, really) */
int timeLeft; static int lastLoadFlag=0; int king, piece;
piece = boards[forwardMostMove][fromY][fromX];
if(gameInfo.variant == VariantKnightmate)
king += (int) WhiteUnicorn - (int) WhiteKing;
if(forwardMostMove == 0) {
- if(blackPlaysFirst)
+ if(gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack || gameMode == BeginningOfGame)
+ fprintf(serverMoves, "%s;", UserName());
+ else if(gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay && first.twoMachinesColor[0] == 'b')
fprintf(serverMoves, "%s;", second.tidy);
fprintf(serverMoves, "%s;", first.tidy);
- if(!blackPlaysFirst)
+ if(gameMode == MachinePlaysWhite)
+ fprintf(serverMoves, "%s;", UserName());
+ else if(gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay && first.twoMachinesColor[0] == 'w')
fprintf(serverMoves, "%s;", second.tidy);
} else fprintf(serverMoves, loadFlag|lastLoadFlag ? ":" : ";");
lastLoadFlag = loadFlag;
fprintf(serverMoves, ":%c%c:%c%c", AAA+fromX, ONE+fromY, AAA+toX, ONE+fromY);
// promotion suffix
if(promoChar != NULLCHAR)
- fprintf(serverMoves, ":%c:%c%c", promoChar, AAA+toX, ONE+toY);
+ fprintf(serverMoves, ":%c:%c%c", ToLower(promoChar), AAA+toX, ONE+toY);
if(!loadFlag) {
+ char buf[MOVE_LEN*2], *p; int len;
fprintf(serverMoves, "/%d/%d",
pvInfoList[forwardMostMove].depth, pvInfoList[forwardMostMove].score);
if(forwardMostMove+1 & 1) timeLeft = whiteTimeRemaining/1000;
else timeLeft = blackTimeRemaining/1000;
fprintf(serverMoves, "/%d", timeLeft);
+ strncpy(buf, parseList[forwardMostMove], MOVE_LEN*2);
+ if(p = strchr(buf, '=')) *p = NULLCHAR;
+ len = strlen(buf); if(len > 1 && buf[len-2] != '-') buf[len-2] = NULLCHAR; // strip to-square
+ fprintf(serverMoves, "/%s", buf);
CoordsToComputerAlgebraic(fromY, fromX, toY, toX, promoChar,
moveList[forwardMostMove - 1]);
- (void) CoordsToAlgebraic(boards[forwardMostMove - 1],
- PosFlags(forwardMostMove - 1),
- fromY, fromX, toY, toX, promoChar,
- parseList[forwardMostMove - 1]);
switch (MateTest(boards[forwardMostMove], PosFlags(forwardMostMove)) ) {
case MT_NONE:
if(result==WhiteWins) c = '+';
if(result==BlackWins) c = '-';
if(resultDetails != NULL)
- fprintf(serverMoves, ";%c;%s\n", c, resultDetails);
+ fprintf(serverMoves, ";%c;%s\n", c, resultDetails), fflush(serverMoves);
if (resultDetails != NULL) {
gameInfo.result = result;