for(dir=0, bit=1; dir<8; dir++, bit += bit) { // loop over directions
int i = expo, j = skip, hop = mode, vx, vy, loop = 0;
if(!(bit & dirSet)) continue; // does not move in this direction
- if(dy != 1) j = 0; //
+ if(dy != 1 || mode & 1024) j = 0; //
vx = dx*rot[dir][0] + dy*rot[dir][1]; // rotate step vector
vy = dx*rot[dir][2] + dy*rot[dir][3];
if(tx < 0) x = f, y = r; // start square
if(mode & 1024) { // castling
i = 2; // kludge to elongate move indefinitely
if(occup == 4) continue; // skip empty squares
- if((x == BOARD_LEFT || vx < 0 && board[y][x-1] == DarkSquare) && board[y][x] == initialPosition[y][x]) { // reached initial corner piece
+ if((x == BOARD_LEFT + skip || x > BOARD_LEFT + skip && vx < 0 && board[y][x-1-skip] == DarkSquare)
+ && board[y][x] == initialPosition[y][x]) { // reached initial corner piece
if(pc != WhiteKing && pc != BlackKing) { // non-royal castling (to be entered as two-leg move via 'Rook')
if(killX < 0) cb(board, flags, FirstLeg, r, f, y, x, cl); if(killX < f)
legNr <<= 1, cb(board, flags, NormalMove, r, f, y, f - expo, cl), legNr >>= 1;
} else
cb(board, flags, mine == 1 ? WhiteQueenSideCastle : BlackQueenSideCastle, r, f, y, f - expo, cl);
- if((x == BOARD_RGHT-1 || vx > 0 && board[y][x+1] == DarkSquare) && board[y][x] == initialPosition[y][x]) {
+ if((x == BOARD_RGHT-1-skip || x < BOARD_RGHT-1-skip && vx > 0 && board[y][x+1+skip] == DarkSquare)
+ && board[y][x] == initialPosition[y][x]) {
if(pc != WhiteKing && pc != BlackKing) {
if(killX < 0) cb(board, flags, FirstLeg, r, f, y, x, cl); if(killX > f)
legNr <<= 1, cb(board, flags, NormalMove, r, f, y, f + expo, cl), legNr >>= 1;