{ "icshelper", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.icsHelper, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
{ "seekGraph", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.seekGraph, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
{ "sg", ArgTrue, (void *) &appData.seekGraph, FALSE, INVALID },
+ { "autoRefresh", ArgBoolean, (void *) &appData.autoRefresh, TRUE, (ArgIniType) FALSE },
{ "gateway", ArgString, (void *) &appData.gateway, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
{ "loadGameFile", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadGameFile, FALSE, (ArgIniType) "" },
{ "lgf", ArgFilename, (void *) &appData.loadGameFile, FALSE, INVALID },
char *seekAdList[MAX_SEEK_ADS];
int ratingList[MAX_SEEK_ADS], xList[MAX_SEEK_ADS], yList[MAX_SEEK_ADS], seekNrList[MAX_SEEK_ADS], zList[MAX_SEEK_ADS];
float tcList[MAX_SEEK_ADS];
+char colorList[MAX_SEEK_ADS];
int nrOfSeekAds = 0;
int minRating = 1010, maxRating = 2800;
int hMargin = 10, vMargin = 20, h, w;
if(tc > 95.) tc = 95.;
x = (w-hMargin)* log(tc)/log(100.) + hMargin;
y = ((double)r - minRating)/(maxRating - minRating)
- * (h-vMargin-squareSize/8) + vMargin;
+ * (h-vMargin-squareSize/8-1) + vMargin;
if(ratingList[i] < 0) y = vMargin + squareSize/4;
if(strstr(seekAdList[i], " u ")) color = 1;
if(!strstr(seekAdList[i], "lightning") && // for now all wilds same color
!strstr(seekAdList[i], "bullet") &&
!strstr(seekAdList[i], "blitz") &&
!strstr(seekAdList[i], "standard") ) color = 2;
- DrawSeekDot(xList[i]=x+3*color, yList[i]=h-1-y, color);
+ DrawSeekDot(xList[i]=x+3*color, yList[i]=h-1-y, colorList[i]=color);
+EraseSeekDot(int i)
+ int x = xList[i], y = yList[i], d=squareSize/4, k;
+ DrawSeekBackground(x-squareSize/8, y-squareSize/8, x+squareSize/8+1, y+squareSize/8+1);
+ if(x < hMargin+d) DrawSeekAxis(hMargin, y-squareSize/8, hMargin, y+squareSize/8+1);
+ // now replot every dot that overlapped
+ for(k=0; k<nrOfSeekAds; k++) if(k != i) {
+ int xx = xList[k], yy = yList[k];
+ if(xx <= x+d && xx > x-d && yy <= y+d && yy > y-d)
+ DrawSeekDot(xx, yy, colorList[k]);
+ }
+RemoveSeekAd(int nr)
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<nrOfSeekAds; i++) if(seekNrList[i] == nr) {
+ EraseSeekDot(i);
+ if(seekAdList[i]) free(seekAdList[i]);
+ seekAdList[i] = seekAdList[--nrOfSeekAds];
+ seekNrList[i] = seekNrList[nrOfSeekAds];
+ ratingList[i] = ratingList[nrOfSeekAds];
+ colorList[i] = colorList[nrOfSeekAds];
+ tcList[i] = tcList[nrOfSeekAds];
+ xList[i] = xList[nrOfSeekAds];
+ yList[i] = yList[nrOfSeekAds];
+ zList[i] = zList[nrOfSeekAds];
+ seekAdList[nrOfSeekAds] = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
MatchSoughtLine(char *line)
DrawSeekAxis(hMargin, h-1-vMargin, w-5, h-1-vMargin);
DrawSeekAxis(hMargin, h-1-vMargin, hMargin, 5);
for(i=0; i<4000; i+= 100) if(i>=minRating && i<maxRating) {
- int yy =((double)i - minRating)/(maxRating - minRating)*(h-vMargin-squareSize/8) + vMargin;
+ int yy =((double)i - minRating)/(maxRating - minRating)*(h-vMargin-squareSize/8-1) + vMargin;
yy = h-1-yy;
DrawSeekAxis(hMargin+5*(i%500==0), yy, hMargin-5, yy); // rating ticks
if(i%500 == 0) {
"/set-quietly interface %s\n/set-quietly style 12\n",
+ if(appData.seekGraph && appData.autoRefresh) // [HGM] seekgraph
+ strcat(str, "/set-2 51 1\n/set seek 1\n");
} else if (ics_type == ICS_CHESSNET) {
sprintf(str, "/style 12\n");
} else {
strcpy(str, "alias $ @\n$set interface ");
strcat(str, programVersion);
strcat(str, "\n$iset startpos 1\n$iset ms 1\n");
+ if(appData.seekGraph && appData.autoRefresh) // [HGM] seekgraph
+ strcat(str, "$iset seekremove 1\n$set seek 1\n");
#ifdef WIN32
strcat(str, "$iset nohighlight 1\n");
next_out = leftover_start = i;
suppressKibitz = TRUE;
+ continue;
if((gameMode == IcsIdle || gameMode == BeginningOfGame)
&& looking_at(buf, &i, "* ads displayed")) {
+ if(appData.autoRefresh) {
+ if(looking_at(buf, &i, "* (*) seeking * * * * *\"play *\" to respond)\n")) {
+ int s = (ics_type == ICS_ICC); // ICC format differs
+ if(seekGraphUp)
+ AddAd(star_match[0], star_match[1], atoi(star_match[2+s]), atoi(star_match[3+s]),
+ star_match[4+s][0], star_match[5-3*s], atoi(star_match[7]), TRUE);
+ looking_at(buf, &i, "*% "); // eat prompt
+ next_out = i; // suppress
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(looking_at(buf, &i, "Ads removed: *\n") || looking_at(buf, &i, "\031(51 * *\031)")) {
+ char *p = star_match[0];
+ while(*p) {
+ if(seekGraphUp) RemoveSeekAd(atoi(p));
+ while(*p && *p++ != ' '); // next
+ }
+ looking_at(buf, &i, "*% "); // eat prompt
+ next_out = i;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
/* skip formula vars */
static int second = 0, promotionChoice = 0;
char promoChoice = NULLCHAR;
- if(appData.seekGraph && appData.icsActive &&
+ if(appData.seekGraph && appData.icsActive && loggedOn &&
(gameMode == BeginningOfGame || gameMode == IcsIdle)) {
SeekGraphClick(clickType, xPix, yPix, FALSE);