int dragging;
static ClickType lastClickType;
+Partner (ChessSquare *p)
+{ // change piece into promotion partner if one shogi-promotes to the other
+ int stride = gameInfo.variant == VariantChu ? 22 : 11;
+ ChessSquare partner;
+ partner = (*p/stride & 1 ? *p - stride : *p + stride);
+ if(PieceToChar(*p) != '+' && PieceToChar(partner) != '+') return 0;
+ *p = partner;
+ return 1;
Sweep (int step)
if(gameInfo.variant == VariantSpartan && pawn == BlackPawn) pawn = BlackLance, king = EmptySquare;
if(fromY != BOARD_HEIGHT-2 && fromY != 1) pawn = EmptySquare;
do {
- promoSweep -= step;
+ if(step && !Partner(&promoSweep)) promoSweep -= step;
if(promoSweep == EmptySquare) promoSweep = BlackPawn; // wrap
else if((int)promoSweep == -1) promoSweep = WhiteKing;
else if(promoSweep == BlackPawn && step < 0) promoSweep = WhitePawn;
else if(promoSweep == WhiteKing && step > 0) promoSweep = BlackKing;
if(!step) step = -1;
} while(PieceToChar(promoSweep) == '.' || PieceToChar(promoSweep) == '~' || promoSweep == pawn ||
- appData.testLegality && (promoSweep == king || promoSweep == WhiteLion || promoSweep == BlackLion) ||
- IS_SHOGI(gameInfo.variant) && promoSweep != CHUPROMOTED last && last != CHUPROMOTED promoSweep && last != promoSweep);
+ appData.testLegality && (promoSweep == king || promoSweep == WhiteLion || promoSweep == BlackLion));
if(toX >= 0) {
int victim = boards[currentMove][toY][toX];
boards[currentMove][toY][toX] = promoSweep;