static int savedWhitePlayer, savedBlackPlayer, pairingReceived;
+static ChessProgramState *stalledEngine;
+static char stashedInputMove[MSG_SIZ];
HandleMachineMove (char *message, ChessProgramState *cps)
if ((sscanf(message, "%s %s %s", buf1, buf2, machineMove) == 3 && strcmp(buf2, "...") == 0) ||
(sscanf(message, "%s %s", buf1, machineMove) == 2 && strcmp(buf1, "move") == 0))
+ if(pausing && !cps->pause) { // for pausing engine that does not support 'pause', we stash its move for processing when we resume.
+ if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "pause %s engine after move\n", cps->which);
+ safeStrCpy(stashedInputMove, message, MSG_SIZ);
+ stalledEngine = cps;
+ if(appData.ponderNextMove) { // bring both engines out of ponder
+ SendToProgram("easy\n", &first);
+ if(gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay) SendToProgram("easy\n", &second);
+ }
+ StopClocks();
+ return;
+ }
/* This method is only useful on engines that support ping */
if (cps->lastPing != cps->lastPong) {
if (gameMode == BeginningOfGame) {
fromX = fromY = -1; // [HGM] abort any move the user is entering.
+ if(pausing) PauseEvent(); // can happen when we abort a paused game (New Game or Quit)
if (appData.icsActive && (whosays == GE_ENGINE || whosays >= GE_ENGINE1)) {
/* If we are playing on ICS, the server decides when the
game is over, but the engine can offer to draw, claim
+PauseEngine (ChessProgramState *cps)
+ SendToProgram("pause\n", cps);
+ cps->pause = 2;
+UnPauseEngine (ChessProgramState *cps)
+ SendToProgram("resume\n", cps);
+ cps->pause = 1;
PauseEvent ()
if (appData.debugMode)
if (pausing) {
pausing = FALSE;
+ if(stalledEngine) { // [HGM] pause: resume game by releasing withheld move
+ StartClocks();
+ if(gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay) { // we might have to make the opponent resume pondering
+ if(stalledEngine->other->pause) UnPauseEngine(stalledEngine->other);
+ else if(appData.ponderNextMove) SendToProgram("hard\n", stalledEngine->other);
+ }
+ if(appData.ponderNextMove) SendToProgram("hard\n", stalledEngine);
+ HandleMachineMove(stashedInputMove, stalledEngine);
+ stalledEngine = NULL;
+ return;
+ }
if (gameMode == MachinePlaysWhite ||
- gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack) {
+ gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay ||
+ gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack) { // the thinking engine must have used pause mode, or it would have been stalledEngine
+ if(first.pause) UnPauseEngine(&first);
+ else if(appData.ponderNextMove) SendToProgram("hard\n", &first);
+ if(second.pause) UnPauseEngine(&second);
+ else if(gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay && appData.ponderNextMove) SendToProgram("hard\n", &second);
} else {
case TwoMachinesPlay:
if (forwardMostMove == 0)
return; /* don't pause if no one has moved */
- if ((gameMode == MachinePlaysWhite &&
- !WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove)) ||
- (gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack &&
- WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove))) {
+ if(gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay) { // [HGM] pause: stop clocks if engine can be paused immediately
+ ChessProgramState *onMove = (WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) == (first.twoMachinesColor[0] == 'w') ? &first : &second);
+ if(onMove->pause) { // thinking engine can be paused
+ PauseEngine(onMove); // do it
+ if(onMove->other->pause) // pondering opponent can always be paused immediately
+ PauseEngine(onMove->other);
+ else
+ SendToProgram("easy\n", onMove->other);
+ StopClocks();
+ }
+ } else if(gameMode == (WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) ? MachinePlaysWhite : MachinePlaysBlack)) { // engine on move
+ if(first.pause) {
+ PauseEngine(&first);
+ StopClocks();
+ }
+ } else { // human on move, pause pondering by either method
+ if(first.pause)
+ PauseEngine(&first);
+ else
+ SendToProgram("easy\n", &first);
+ // if no immediate pausing is possible, wait for engine to move, and stop clocks then
case AnalyzeMode:
pausing = TRUE;
if (BoolFeature(&p, "exclude", &cps->excludeMoves, cps)) continue;
if (BoolFeature(&p, "ics", &cps->sendICS, cps)) continue;
if (BoolFeature(&p, "name", &cps->sendName, cps)) continue;
- if (BoolFeature(&p, "pause", &val, cps)) continue; /* unused at present */
+ if (BoolFeature(&p, "pause", &cps->pause, cps)) continue; // [HGM] pause
if (IntFeature(&p, "done", &val, cps)) {
FeatureDone(cps, val);