After leavingthe Tournament dOptions dialog with Continue Later,
the tournament file would not be set to the entered value, and re-opening
the dialog would keep using the previous value, or a newly generated one.
GenericReadout(matchOptions, -2); // read all, but suppress calling of MatchOK
ASSIGN(appData.participants, engineName);
+ ASSIGN(appData.tourneyFile, tfName);
PopDown(MasterDlg); // early popdown to prevent FreezeUI called through MatchEvent from causing XtGrab warning
if(appData.loadPositionIndex < 0) appData.loadPositionIndex = 0;\r
if(swiss) { appData.defaultMatchGames = 1; appData.tourneyType = -1; }\r
+ ASSIGN(appData.tourneyFile, tfName);\r
char *GetParticipants(HWND hDlg)\r