"vs." === ""\r
"%s (%d reversible plies)" === ""\r
"Reading game file (%d)" === ""\r
+"Click clock to clear board" === ""\r
+"Pull pawn backwards to under-promote" === ""\r
END-OF-GAME MESSAGES (should they be translated?)\r
## I think that only for visualization and not for PGN, as PGN files are shared all around the world\r
"No response from ICS" === "Geen respons van Internet Schaakdienst"\r
"You cannot do this while you are playing or observing" === "Dit kan niet als u aan het spelen of toeschouwen bent"\r
"Click in holdings to choose piece" === "Klik in de voorraad om een stuk te kiezen"\r
+"Click clock to clear board" === "Klik op klok voor leeg bord"\r
+"Pull pawn backwards to under-promote" === "Trek pion terug voor minor promotie"\r
END-OF-GAME MESSAGES (should they be translated?)\r
## I think that only for visualization and not for PGN, as PGN files are shared all around the world\r