Clock updating did not work correctly in node-based time controls when the
engine was pondering. (It was not really meant for use with pondering. Oh well...)
This patch checks if the engine reporting the node count is indeed thinking
(as opposed to pondering).
if(cps->nps == 0) ticklen = 10*time; // use engine reported time
else ticklen = (1000. * u64ToDouble(nodes)) / cps->nps; // convert node count to time
- if(WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove))
+ if(WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) && (gameMode == MachinePlaysWhite ||
+ gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay && cps->twoMachinesColor[0] == 'w'))
whiteTimeRemaining = timeRemaining[0][forwardMostMove] - ticklen;
- else blackTimeRemaining = timeRemaining[1][forwardMostMove] - ticklen;
+ if(!WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) && (gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack ||
+ gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay && cps->twoMachinesColor[0] == 'b'))
+ blackTimeRemaining = timeRemaining[1][forwardMostMove] - ticklen;
/* Buffer overflow protection */