if(!strcmp(command, "put")) { ReadSquare(inBuf+4, &lastPut); continue; } // ditto\r
if(!strcmp(command, ".")) { inBuf[0] = 0; return; } // ignore for now\r
if(!strcmp(command, "lift")) { inBuf[0] = 0; Highlight(inBuf+5); return; } // treat here\r
+ if(!root && !strcmp(command, "usermove")) {\r
+ abortFlag = !!strcmp(inBuf+9, ponderMoveText);\r
+ if(!abortFlag) { // ponder hit, continue as time-based search\r
+ SetSearchTimes(10*timeLeft + GetTickCount() - startTime); // add time we already have been pondering to total\r
+ if(lastRootIter > tlim1) abortFlag = 2; // abort instantly if we are in iteration we should not have started\r
+ inBuf[0] = 0; ponderMove = INVALID;\r
+ return;\r
+ }\r
+ }\r
abortFlag = 1;\r