values[i] = j; // store in temporary, for transfer at OK
- /* empty strings are used as defaults in some comboboxes, only use gettext if we need to */
- if(strlen(((char**)currentOption[i].textValue)[j]))
- XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, _(((char**)currentOption[i].textValue)[j]));
- else
+ if(currentOption[i].min & NO_GETTEXT)
XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, ((char**)currentOption[i].textValue)[j]);
+ else
+ XtSetArg(args[0], XtNlabel, _(((char**)currentOption[i].textValue)[j]));
XtSetValues(currentOption[i].handle, args, 1);
- if(currentOption[i].min & 1 && !currentCps && comboCallback) (comboCallback)(i);
+ if(currentOption[i].min & COMBO_CALLBACK && !currentCps && comboCallback) (comboCallback)(i);
-void CreateComboPopup(parent, name, n, mb)
+void CreateComboPopup(parent, option, n)
Widget parent;
- String name;
+ Option *option;
int n;
- char *mb[];
int i=0, j;
Widget menu, entry;
Arg args[16];
- menu = XtCreatePopupShell(name, simpleMenuWidgetClass,
+ menu = XtCreatePopupShell(option->name, simpleMenuWidgetClass,
parent, NULL, 0);
j = 0;
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNwidth, 100); j++;
// XtSetArg(args[j], XtNright, XtChainRight); j++;
+ char **mb = (char **) option->textValue;
while (mb[i] != NULL)
- if ( strlen(mb[i]) )
- XtSetArg(args[j], XtNlabel, _(mb[i]));
- else
+ if (option->min & NO_GETTEXT)
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNlabel, mb[i]);
- entry = XtCreateManagedWidget(mb[i], smeBSBObjectClass,
+ else
+ XtSetArg(args[j], XtNlabel, _(mb[i]));
+ entry = XtCreateManagedWidget((String) mb[i], smeBSBObjectClass,
menu, args, j+1);
XtAddCallback(entry, XtNcallback,
(XtCallbackProc) ComboSelect,
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.roundSync, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Sync after round (for concurrent playing of a single") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &appData.cycleSync, "", NULL, CheckBox, N_("Sync after cycle tourney with multiple XBoards)") },
{ 0xD, 150, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineName, "", NULL, TextBox, N_("Tourney participants:") },
-{ 0, 1, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineChoice, (char*) (engineMnemonic+1), (engineMnemonic+1), ComboBox, N_("Select Engine:") },
+ 0, NULL, (void*) &engineChoice, (char*) (engineMnemonic+1), (engineMnemonic+1), ComboBox, N_("Select Engine:") },
{ 0, 0, 10, NULL, (void*) &appData.tourneyType, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Tourney type (0 = round-robin, 1 = gauntlet):") },
{ 0, 1, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.tourneyCycles, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Number of tourney cycles (or Swiss rounds):") },
{ 0, 1, 1000000000, NULL, (void*) &appData.defaultMatchGames, "", NULL, Spin, N_("Default Number of Games in Match (or Pairing):") },
XtSetArg(args[j], XtNlabel, _(((char**)option[i].textValue)[option[i].value])); j++;
option[i].handle = (void*)
(last = XtCreateManagedWidget(" ", menuButtonWidgetClass, form, args, j));
- CreateComboPopup(last, option[i].name, i, (char **) option[i].textValue);
+ CreateComboPopup(last, option + i, i);
values[i] = option[i].value;
case Break:
Option installOptions[] = {
-{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineLine, (char*) engineMnemonic, engineList, ComboBox, N_("Select engine from list:") },
+{ 0, NO_GETTEXT, 0, NULL, (void*) &engineLine, (char*) engineMnemonic, engineList, ComboBox, N_("Select engine from list:") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, Label, N_("or specify one below:") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &nickName, NULL, NULL, TextBox, N_("Nickname (optional):") },
{ 0, 0, 0, NULL, (void*) &useNick, NULL, NULL, CheckBox, N_("Use nickname in PGN player tags of engine-engine games") },