} GenLegalClosure;
int rFilter, fFilter; // [HGM] speed: sorry, but I get a bit tired of this closure madness
+Board xqCheckers, nullBoard;
extern void GenLegalCallback P((Board board, int flags, ChessMove kind,
int rf, int ff, int rt, int ft,
int ff, ft, k, left, right, swap;
int ignoreCheck = (flags & F_IGNORE_CHECK) != 0;
ChessSquare wKing = WhiteKing, bKing = BlackKing, *castlingRights = board[CASTLING];
+ int inCheck = !ignoreCheck && CheckTest(board, flags, -1, -1, -1, -1, FALSE); // kludge alert: this would mark pre-existing checkers if status==1
cl.cb = callback;
cl.cl = closure;
+ xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] *= 2; // quasi: if previous CheckTest has been marking, we now set flag for suspending same checkers
if(filter == EmptySquare) rFilter = fFilter = -1; // [HGM] speed: do not filter on square if we do not filter on piece
GenPseudoLegal(board, flags, GenLegalCallback, (VOIDSTAR) &cl, filter);
- if (!ignoreCheck &&
- CheckTest(board, flags, -1, -1, -1, -1, FALSE)) return TRUE;
+ if (inCheck) return TRUE;
/* Generate castling moves */
if(gameInfo.variant == VariantKnightmate) { /* [HGM] Knightmate */
register CheckTestClosure *cl = (CheckTestClosure *) closure;
- if (rt == cl->rking && ft == cl->fking) cl->check++;
+ if (rt == cl->rking && ft == cl->fking) {
+ if(xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] >= 2 && xqCheckers[rf][ff]) return; // checker is piece with suspended checking power
+ cl->check++;
+ xqCheckers[rf][ff] = xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] & 1; // remember who is checking (if status == 1)
+ }
cl.ff = moveList[i][0]-AAA+BOARD_LEFT;
cl.rt = moveList[i][3]-ONE;
cl.ft = moveList[i][2]-AAA+BOARD_LEFT;
+ CopyBoard(xqCheckers, nullBoard); xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] = 1; // giant kludge to make GenLegal ignore pre-existing checks
GenLegal(boards[i], PosFlags(i), ExistingAttacksCallback, &cl, EmptySquare);
+ xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] = 0; // disable the generation of quasi-legal moves again
if(appData.debugMode) { int n;
for(n=0; n<chaseStackPointer; n++)
fprintf(debugFP, "%c%c%c%c ", chaseStack[n].ff+AAA, chaseStack[n].rf+ONE,
// the attack is on a lower piece, or on a pinned or blocked equal one
+ CopyBoard(xqCheckers, nullBoard); xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] = 1;
+ CheckTest(boards[i+1], PosFlags(i+1), -1, -1, -1, -1, FALSE); // if we deliver check with our move, the checkers get marked
// test if the victim is protected by a true protector. First make the capture.
captured = boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft];
boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft] = boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rf][chaseStack[j].ff];
if(appData.debugMode) {
fprintf(debugFP, "test if we can recapture %c%c\n", cl.ft+AAA, cl.rt+ONE);
+ xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] = 2; // causes GenLegal to ignore the checks we delivered with the move, in real life evaded before we captured
GenLegal(boards[i+1], PosFlags(i+1), ProtectedCallback, &cl, EmptySquare); // try all moves
+ xqCheckers[EP_STATUS] = 0; // disable quasi-legal moves again
// unmake the capture
boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rf][chaseStack[j].ff] = boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft];
boards[i+1][chaseStack[j].rt][chaseStack[j].ft] = captured;