extern signed char initialRights[BOARD_FILES]; /* [HGM] all rights enabled, set in InitPosition */
int quickFlag;
char *pieceDesc[EmptySquare];
+char *defaultDesc[EmptySquare] = {
+ "fmWfceFifmnD", "N", "B", "R", "Q",
+ "F", "A", "BN", "RN", "W", "K",
+ "mRcpR", "N0", "BW", "RF", "gQ",
+ "", "", "QN", "", "N", "",
+ "", "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "", "",
+ "", "", "", "", "", "K"
WhitePiece (ChessSquare piece)
return TRUE;
+char defaultName[] = "PNBRQ......................................K" // white
+ "pnbrq......................................k"; // black
+char shogiName[] = "PNBRLS...G.++++++..........................K" // white
+ "pnbrls...g.++++++..........................k"; // black
+char xqName[] = "PH.R.AE..K.C................................" // white
+ "ph.r.ae..k.c................................"; // black
+char *
+CollectPieceDescriptors ()
+{ // make a line of piece descriptions for use in the PGN Piece tag:
+ // dump all engine defined pieces, and pieces with non-standard names,
+ // but suppress black pieces that are the same as their white counterpart
+ ChessSquare p;
+ static char buf[MSG_SIZ];
+ char *m, c, d, *pieceName = defaultName;
+ int len;
+ *buf = NULLCHAR;
+ if(!pieceDefs) return "";
+ if(gameInfo.variant == VariantChu) return ""; // for now don't do this for Chu Shogi
+ if(gameInfo.variant == VariantShogi) pieceName = shogiName;
+ if(gameInfo.variant == VariantXiangqi) pieceName = xqName;
+ for(p=WhitePawn; p<EmptySquare; p++) {
+ if((c = pieceToChar[p]) == '.' || c == '~') continue; // does not participate
+ m = pieceDesc[p]; d = (c == '+' ? pieceToChar[DEMOTED p] : c);
+ if(p >= BlackPawn && pieceToChar[BLACK_TO_WHITE p] == toupper(c)
+ && (c != '+' || pieceToChar[DEMOTED BLACK_TO_WHITE p] == d)) { // black member of normal pair
+ char *wm = pieceDesc[BLACK_TO_WHITE p];
+ if(!m && !wm || m && wm && !strcmp(wm, m)) continue; // moves as a white piece
+ } else // white or unpaired black
+ if((p < BlackPawn || CharToPiece(toupper(d)) != EmptySquare) && // white or lone black
+ !pieceDesc[p] /*&& pieceName[p] == c*/) continue; // orthodox piece known by its usual name
+// TODO: listing pieces because of unusual name can only be done if we have accurate Betza of all defaults
+ if(!m) m = defaultDesc[p];
+ len = strlen(buf);
+ snprintf(buf+len, MSG_SIZ-len, "%s%s%c:%s", len ? ";" : "", c == '+' ? "+" : "", d, m);
+ }
+ return buf;
// [HGM] gen: configurable move generation from Betza notation sent by engine.
Boolean pieceDefs;
PrintPGNTags (FILE *fp, GameInfo *gameInfo)
+ char *p;
fprintf(fp, "[Event \"%s\"]\n", gameInfo->event ? gameInfo->event : "?");
fprintf(fp, "[Site \"%s\"]\n", gameInfo->site ? gameInfo->site : "?");
fprintf(fp, "[Date \"%s\"]\n", gameInfo->date ? gameInfo->date : "?");
fprintf(fp, "[TimeControl \"%s\"]\n", gameInfo->timeControl);
if (gameInfo->variant != VariantNormal)
fprintf(fp, "[Variant \"%s\"]\n", VariantName(gameInfo->variant));
+ if (*(p = CollectPieceDescriptors()))
+ fprintf(fp, "[Pieces \"%s\"]\n", p);
if (gameInfo->extraTags)
fputs(gameInfo->extraTags, fp);