if(!pngPieceImages[color][piece]) { // we still did not manage to acquire a piece bitmap
- if(!(svgPieces[color][piece] = LoadSVG(SVGDIR, color, piece))) // try to fall back on installed svg
- DisplayError(_("No default pieces installed\nSelect your own -pieceImageDirectory"), 0); // give up
+ static int warned = 0;
+ if(!(svgPieces[color][piece] = LoadSVG(SVGDIR, color, piece)) && !warned) { // try to fall back on installed svg
+ char *msg = _("No default pieces installed\nSelect your own -pieceImageDirectory");
+ printf("%s\n", msg); // give up
+ DisplayError(msg, 0);
+ warned = 1; // prevent error message being repeated for each piece type
+ }
img = pngPieceImages[color][piece];
pngPieceBitmaps2[color][piece] = cs = cairo_image_surface_create (CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, squareSize, squareSize);
if(piece <= WhiteKing) pngPieceBitmaps[color][piece] = cs;
+ if(!img) return;
// scaled copying of the raw png image
cr = cairo_create(cs);
w = cairo_image_surface_get_width (img);