- Bonanza 6.0 - Client Source Code\r
- Kunihito Hoki, May 2011\r
-1. Introduction\r
-Bonanza is a state-of-the art computer shogi engine which runs on\r
-Windows and Linux machines, and this directory contains a\r
-platform-independent source code.\r
-This source code is distributed with a hope that it will be useful in\r
-addition to the main part of the shogi engine. This program includes\r
-many useful functions such as manipulating a shogi board, reading and\r
-writing a CSA record file, speaking of a CSA protocol with a socket\r
-communication, and controlling time, and etc.. I believe this program\r
-can be a good starting point if you are interested in making shogi\r
-One main feature of this program is that it employs a brute-force\r
-search method together with bitboard techniques as many chess programs\r
-do. Another notable feature is a machine learning of shogi evaluation\r
-functions. The details of the learning algorithm (aka Bonanza method)\r
-were already presented [1], and this source code provides an example\r
-of implementation of the learning method.\r
-I admit that some parts of the source code are cryptic, e.g. codes in\r
-"mate1ply.c". I hope that I will have some time to make a quality\r
-documentation and comments on the program code, or someone else could\r
-decrypt my program and provide a documentation.\r
-Any comments or suggestions are welcome [2].\r
-[1] K. Hoki, "Optimal control of minimax search results to learn\r
- positional evaluation", Game Programming Workshop, Hakone, Japan\r
- 2008.\r
-[2] Contact to "bonanza_query [at] hotmail.com".\r
-2. Legal Notices\r
-This program is protected by copyright. Without a specific \r
-permission, any means of commercial applications are prohibited.\r
-Furthermore, this program is distributed without any warranty.\r
-Within these limits, you can use, redistribute, and/or modify it.\r
-3. Change Logs\r
-Version 6.0\r
-Search() function is modified to ignore moves which receive negative\r
-values from Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE) at frontier and\r
-pre-frontier nodes. Self-play experiments showed that this modification\r
-makes Bonanza slightly stronger. Similar results were also observed in\r
-experiments using a shogi program YSS,\r
-http://www32.ocn.ne.jp/~yss/horizon.txt. Moreover, the branch cut by\r
-means of SEE at frontier nodes can also be found in a chess program,\r
-Now Bonanza does Late Move Reduction (LMR) at root nodes, and recursive\r
-iterative deepening more often. Self-play experiments showed that these\r
-modifications make Bonanza slightly stronger.\r
-DFPN searcher is added to the set of Bonanza source codes (dfpn.c,\r
-dfpn.h, and dfpnhash.c). You can use the searcher by using 'dfpn'\r
-command with a compile option -DDFPN turned on. To make use of the DFPN\r
-searcher in ordinary search, use 'dfpn_client' command with a compile\r
-option -DDFPN_CLIENT turned on. To provide a proper service to the DFPN\r
-client, you also need to use a server script 'src/server/dfpn_server.pl'\r
-with one or more DFPN worker(s) connected with 'dfpn connect' command.\r
-I am thankful to Dr. A. Nagai for his kind and fruitful advice.\r
-Now Bonanza can be a client of parallel searches using cluster computing\r
-environment with mnj command. 'src/server/parallel_server.pl' is a\r
-server script of root-node parallelizations, and the server can be a\r
-client of majority voting cluster computation.\r
-Some techniques which increase computational efficiency of Bonanza are\r
-reported by E. Ito, http://aleag.cocolog-nifty.com/. In his website,\r
-two ideas are shown, i.e., (i) speed up of the computation of the static\r
-evaluation function, and (2) use of SSE instructions of Intel processors\r
-for bitboard operations. By adopting his ideas to Bonanza, NPS value\r
-nearly doubled. This is amazing. To use SSE instructions, specify -DSSE2\r
-or -DSSE4 compiler option. I am thankful to Mr. E. Ito for his kind and\r
-fruitful advice.\r
--DINANIWA_SHIFT compilation flag is supplied to enable an Inaniwa-strategy detection\r
-There are many other modifications and bug fixes.\r
-Feliz 0.0\r
-- Some results from Y. Sato's experiments with Bonanza inspired me\r
- to use the history table in LMR in Shogi, as Fruit did in chess. By\r
- doing so, some improvement in performance of the tree search is\r
- made.\r
-- From private communications with Yaneurao, it turned out that the\r
- 3-ply-mate detections in 'mate3.c' can search game trees more\r
- efficiently by using several heuristic pruning techniques. Now\r
- 'mate3.c' adopts some of these techniques.\r
-- E. Ito kindly reported two bugs in the source codes. One is in\r
- hash_store(), and the other is in ehash_probe() and\r
- ehash_store(). Now these are fixed.\r
-- The structure of history table is modified from 'square-to' and\r
- 'square-from' method to an exact match method by using the perfect\r
- hash technique. The hash function of moves in 'phash.c' is generated\r
- by codes at http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/perfect.html.\r
-- A command 'mnj' is added to connect to the cluster-computing server\r
- in src/cluster/.\r
-- In client_next_game(), the way of dealing with REJECT message from a\r
- CSA Shogi server is revised. Now Bonanza connects to the server again\r
- when the game is rejected by an opponent.\r
-Version 4.1.3\r
-- The owner of 'LS3600 Blog Webpage' pointed out that there were two\r
- serious bugs. Thank you very much! According to his indication,\r
- is_hand_eq_supe() in 'utility.c' and read_CSA_line() in 'csa.c' are\r
- revised.\r
-- In MPV code in 'searchr.c', a test of 'root_abort' flag had been\r
- forgotten. Now the flag is tested after every call of search().\r
-- 'lan.txt' is added to 'src/executable/' directory. This is an\r
- example of an input sequence to connect to CSA Shogi server.\r
-- 'book.bin' now has smaller moves and positions than previous one does.\r
- Also, 'book_anti.csa' is added to 'src/executable/' directory. This\r
- is an example of bad moves which apear in records of human experts.\r
-- 'Legal Notices' in this document is corrected.\r
-Version 4.1.2\r
-- In 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.vs', targets which require profile-guided\r
- optimization are removed. Furthermore, an option, which controls\r
- optimization, has been reverted from the aggressive flag, -O3, to a\r
- moderate one, '-O2'. These modifications were necessary for avoiding\r
- abnormal terminations of the program.\r
-- In 'ini.c', the attribute of POSIX thread in a global-variable\r
- 'pthread_attr' is set to 'detach-state'. Because threads will never\r
- join with any other threads in this program, the thread should be\r
- created in the detached state to free system resources.\r
-- In 'ini.c', the default size of the transposition table is lifted\r
- from 12MByte to 48MByte.\r
-- In 'iterate.c", probing the opening book is avoided when the move\r
- history of a current game has repetitions.\r
-- In 'shogi.h', the margins of futility pruning are increased in\r
- accord with new positional evaluation of the feature vector in\r
- 'fv.bin'.\r
-- The quality of an opening book, 'winbin/book.bin', has been improved\r
- at the expense of quantity.\r
-Version 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 (26 Apr 2009)\r
-- In 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.vs', some options of Intel C compiler\r
- are modified. Here, agressive optimization '-O3' is substituted for\r
- the default '-O2', pthreads support '-pthread' is substituted for\r
- '-lpthread', and an obsolete '-static-libcxx' is removed.\r
-- In 'Makefile', the conformance of GNU C and Intel C compilers are\r
- set to GNU extensions of ISO C99 by setting '-std=gnu99' because a\r
- POSIX function 'strtok_r()' is not in the C99 standard library.\r
-- In 'Makefile', targets for GNU C with gprof and profile-guided\r
- optimization of GNU C are removed.\r
-- In 'shogi.h', inline assemblies and intrinsics are used on x86-64 as\r
- well as x86. To detect the targets, pre-defined macros '__i386__'\r
- and '__x86_64__' are examined.\r
-- In 'evaluate.c', the evaluation function looks up the table\r
- 'stand_pat[ply]' to see if the position have been evaluated since\r
- the previous move is made by 'make_move_[bw]()' functions. Also, the\r
- evaluation function probes the hash table 'ehash_tbl[]' to avoid\r
- re-evaluation of the same position.\r
-- In 'io.c', an immediate value 0 is substituted for 'fileno(stdin)'\r
- because the POSIX function 'fileno()' is not part of ANSI C. POSIX\r
- requires that the file descriptor associated with 'stdin' be 0.\r
-- In 'iterate.c', a criterion for aging of transposition-table, i.e.,\r
- increment of a global variable 'trans_table_age', is lifted from 7%\r
- to 9% of saturation ratio of the table.\r
-- In 'learn1.c', the macro 'SEARCH_DEPTH' is set to 2. The macro\r
- specifies the depth threashold of searches for finding all of\r
- principle variations of positions in a set of games.\r
-- In 'learn1.c', a step size of increment/decrement of feature vectors\r
- is fixed to 1 in 'learn_parse2()' function.\r
-- In 'hash.c', when a node can be pruned by using a hash value based on\r
- futility pruning, a return value of the node is set to beta.\r
-- In 'rand.c', some codes of initialization of PRNG variables are\r
- moved to 'ini_genrand()' from 'ini()' function.\r
-- In 'sckt.c', a function 'send_crlf()' is removed.\r
-- In 'search.c', now 'search()' calls 'search_quies()' and returns if\r
- a search depth reaches a threashold. So that we can call 'search()'\r
- function anytime, and this makes source codes simple.\r
-- In 'search.c', the static evaluation value is evaluated and used to\r
- see if the late-move reduction is applicable or not. The evaluation\r
- value is also used by the futility pruning.\r
-- In 'search.c', the futility pruning is not applied if the node is in\r
- check or the move is a check.\r
-- In 'search.c', now Bonanza sends the keep-alive command '0x0a' to\r
- the server in 'detect_signals()'.\r
-- In 'time.c', 'set_seach_limit_time()' is simplified.\r
-- In 'time.c', the second argument of 'gettimeofday()' is set to 'NULL'.\r
-Version 4.0.4 (2 Feb 2009)\r
-- An error of GCC inline assembly for spinlock in "thread.c" is fixed.\r
-- In Windows OS, Bonanza now opens all streams with file sharing by\r
- using "_SH_DENYNO" constant in "io.c".\r
-- GCC built-in functions are substituted for GCC inline assemblies for\r
- bit-scan operations in "bitop.h". Furthermore, "bitop.h" is removed,\r
- and some of macros in the header are integrated into "shogi.h".\r
-Version 4.0.3 (Jan 2008)\r
-4. Files\r
-Here is a list of files you can find in this directory.\r
-C headers\r
-- param.h piece values\r
-- shogi.h main header\r
-- bitop.h bit operations\r
-- dfpn.h header of DFPN codes\r
-basic C functions\r
-- main.c main function of C program\r
-- data.c definition of global variables\r
-- ini.c initializations\r
-- rand.c pseudo random number generator\r
-- time.c time functions\r
-- bitop.c bit operations\r
-- utility.c misc. functions\r
-- proce.c input procedures\r
-- csa.c csa file format I/O\r
-- io.c basic I/O\r
-- sckt.c Socket communications\r
-bitboard manipulations\r
-- attack.c piece attacks\r
-- genchk.c move generation (checks)\r
-- genevasn.c move generation (evasions)\r
-- gendrop.c move generation (drops)\r
-- gennocap.c move generation (non-captures)\r
-- gencap.c move generation (captures)\r
-- movgenex.c move generation (inferior moves)\r
-- makemove.c make moves\r
-- unmake.c unmake move\r
-- mate1ply.c 1-ply mate detection\r
-- debug.c examine bitboard validity\r
-brute-force search\r
-- iterate.c iterative deepning search at root node\r
-- searchr.c alpha-beta search at root node\r
-- search.c alpha-beta search\r
-- next.c obtains next move\r
-- quiesrch.c quiescence search\r
-- evaluate.c static eveluation function\r
-- evaldiff.c easy and fast evaluation function\r
-- swap.c static exchange evaluation\r
-- hash.c transposition table\r
-- phash.c perfect hash function of moves\r
-- thread.c thread-level parallelization\r
-- root.c root move genelation and shallow min-max search\r
-- mate3.c 3-ply mate detection\r
-- ponder.c pondering\r
-- book.c creates and probes opening book\r
-- problem.c auto problem solver\r
-- valid.c examine move validity\r
-DFPN search\r
-- dfpn.c DFPN search\r
-- dfpnhash.c Hashing for DFPN search\r
-optimal control of min-max search\r
-- learn1.c main functions\r
-- learn2.c feture vector manipuration\r
-- bonanza.txt which now you are looking at\r
-- Makefile makefile for gnu make.exe\r
-- Makefile.vs makefile for Microsoft nmake.exe\r
-- bonanza.ico icon file for windows\r
-- bonanza.rc resource-definition file for windows\r
-- lan.txt example of input sequence to connect CSA Shogi server\r
-- book_anti.csa example of a set of bad moves which apear in records\r
- of human exparts. This is used by 'book create' command.\r
-4. How to build Bonanza\r
-You can build Bonanza by means of GNU Make on Linux or Microsoft NMAKE\r
-on Windows. Here is some examples:\r
-- GCC on Linux\r
-> make -f Makefile gcc\r
-- Intel C++ Compiler on Linux\r
-> make -f Makefile icc\r
-- Microsoft C/C++ Compiler on Windows\r
-> nmake -f Makefile.vs cl\r
-- Intel C++ Compiler on Windows\r
-> nmake -f Makefile.vs icl\r
-The C source codes are written by using ANSI C plus a small number of\r
-new features in ISO C99. Therefore, I think this can be easily built\r
-in many platforms without much effort.\r
-It may be necessary to define some macros in Makefile or\r
-Makefile.vs. The macros are:\r
-- NDEBUG (DEBUG) builds release (debug) version of Bonanza\r
-- MINIMUM disables some auxiliary functions that are not\r
- necessary to play a game, e.g., book composition\r
- and optimization of evaluation functions\r
-- TLP enables thread-level parallel search\r
-- MPV enables multi-PV search\r
-- CSA_LAN enables Bonanza to communicate by CSA Shogi TCP/IP\r
- protcol\r
-- DEKUNOBOU enables dekunobou interface (available only for\r
- Windows)\r
-- CSASHOGI builds an engine for CSA Shogi (available only for\r
- Windows)\r
-- NO_LOGGING suppresses dumping log files\r
-- HAVE_SSE2 use SSE2 instructions for speed\r
-- HAVE_SSE4 use SSE2 and SSE4.1 instructions for speed\r
-- MNJ_LAN enables a client-mode of cluster searches\r
-- INANIWA_SHIFT enables an Inaniwa strategy detection\r
-- DFPN build the DFPN worker of mate-problems server\r
-- DFPN_CLIENT enables the client-mode of mate-problem server\r
-Bonanza is an application that does not provide graphical user\r
-interface. If you could build "bonanza.exe" properly without CSASHOGI\r
-macro, it shows a prompt "Black 1>" when you execute it at a computer\r
-Bonanza uses three binary files: a feature vector of static evaluation\r
-function "fv.bin", an opening book "book.bin", and a\r
-position-learning database "hash.bin". You can find these in "winbin/"\r
-directory. Without the NO_LOGGING option, Bonanza must find "log/"\r
-directory to dump log files.\r
-5. Command List\r
-- beep on\r
-- beep off\r
- These commands enable (on) or disable (off) a beep when Bonanza\r
- makes a move. The default is on.\r
-- book on\r
-- book off\r
- These commands enable (on) or disable (off) to probe the opening\r
- book, "./book.bin". The default is on.\r
-- book narrow\r
-- book wide\r
- When the command with "narrow" is used, Bonanza selects a book\r
- move from a small set of opening moves. The default is "wide". The\r
- narrowing of the opening moves is useful if you want Bonanza\r
- choose a common opening line.\r
-- book create\r
- This command creates the opening book file, "./book.bin", by using\r
- numerous experts' games in a single CSA record file, "./book.csa".\r
- It also uses another CSA record file, "book_anti.csa", where you\r
- can register bad moves that may appear in the experts' games at\r
- the last moves in the record file. Here is the example:\r
- ----------------------------------------\r
- PI, +, +6978KI, %TORYO\r
- /\r
- PI, +, +6978KI, -8384FU, %TORYO\r
- /\r
- PI, +, +7776FU, -4132KI, %TORYO\r
- /\r
- PI, +, +7776FU, -4132KI, +2726FU, %TORYO\r
- ----------------------------------------\r
- This command becomes effective when MINIMUM macro is not defined\r
- in the Makefile.\r
-- connect 'addr' 'port' 'id' 'passwd' ['ngame']\r
- This command connects Bonanza to a shogi server by using the CSA\r
- protocol. The first four arguments specify the network address,\r
- port number, user ID, and password, respectively. The last\r
- argument limits a number of games that will be played by Bonanza.\r
- This command becomes effective when CSA_LAN macro is defined in\r
- the Makefile.\r
-- dfpn go\r
- Bonanza does DFPN search at a current position.\r
-- dfpn hash 'num'\r
- This command is used to initialize the transposition table of\r
- DFPN search and set the size of the table to 2^'num'. This\r
- command becomes effective when DFPN macro is defined in the\r
- Makefile.\r
-- dfpn connect 'hostname' 'port#' 'ID'\r
- This command is used to connect to the server script\r
- dfpn_server.pl as a worker. This command becomes effective when\r
- DFPN macro is defined in the Makefile.\r
-- dfpn_client 'hostname' 'port#'\r
- This command is used to connect to the server script\r
- dfpn_server.pl as a client. With this, a root and its child\r
- posittions are examined by the DFPN worker(s). This command\r
- becomes effective when DFPN_CLIENT macro is defined in the\r
- Makefile.\r
-- display ['num']\r
- This command prints the shogi board. If you want to flip the\r
- board, set 'num' to 2. If not, set it to 1.\r
-- s\r
- Bonanza makes a prompt reply while thinking as soon as this\r
- command is used.\r
-- hash 'num'\r
- This command is used to initialize the transposition table and\r
- set the size of the table to 2^'num'.\r
-- hash learn create\r
- This command is used to make a zero-filled position-lerning\r
- database, "hash.bin". This command becomes effective when MINIMUM\r
- macro is not defined in the Makefile.\r
-- hash learn on\r
-- hash learn off\r
- These commands enable (on) or disable (off) the position learning.\r
- The default is on.\r
-- learn 'str' 'steps' ['games' ['iterations' ['num1' ['num2']]]]\r
- This command optimizes a feature vector of the static evaluation\r
- function by using numorous experts' games in a single CSA record\r
- file, "./records.csa". If you want to use a zero-filled vector as\r
- an initial guess of the optimization procedure, set 'str' to\r
- "ini". If not, set it to "no-ini". The third argument 'games' is a\r
- number of games to be read from the record file. If the third\r
- argument is negative or omitted, all games are read from the file.\r
- The learning method iterates a set of procedures, and the number\r
- of iteration can be limited by the fourth argument. It continues\r
- as long as the argument is negative. The procedures consist of two\r
- parts. The first part reads the record file and creates principal\r
- variations by using 'num1' threads. The default value of 'num1' is\r
- 1. The second part renews the feature vector 'steps' times by using\r
- 'num2' threads in accord with the principal variations. The default\r
- value of 'steps' and 'num2' is 1. Note that each thread in the\r
- second procedure uses about 500MByte of the main memory. The two\r
- arguments 'num1' and 'num2' become effective when TLP macro is\r
- defined in the Makefile. After the procedures, the optimized\r
- vector is saved in "./fv.bin". This command become effective when\r
- MINIMUM macro is not defined in the Makefile.\r
-- limit depth 'num'\r
- This command is used to specify a depth, 'num', at which Bonanza\r
- ends the iterative deepening search.\r
-- limit nodes 'num'\r
- When this command is used, Bonanza stops thinking after searched\r
- nodes reach to 'num'.\r
-- limit time 'minute' 'second' ['depth']\r
- This command limits thinking time of Bonanza. It tries to make\r
- each move by consuming the time 'minute'. When the time is spent\r
- all, it makes each move in 'second'. The last argument 'depth' can\r
- be used if you want Bonanza to stop thinking after the iterative\r
- deepening searches reach sufficient depth.\r
-- limit time extendable\r
-- limit time strict\r
- The command, "limit time extendable", allows Bonanza to think\r
- longer than the time limited by the previous command if it wishes\r
- to. The default is "strict".\r
-- mnj 'sd' 'seed' 'addr' 'port' 'id' 'factor' 'stable_depth'\r
- This command connects Bonanza to the majority or parallel server in\r
- src/server/. The first two integers specify the standard\r
- deviation and initial seed of pseudo-random numbers which are\r
- added to the static evaluation function. Experiments suggested\r
- that an appropriate value for the standard deviation is 15. Note\r
- that all clients should use different seeds. The following three\r
- arguments are network address, port number, user ID,\r
- respectively. You can specify factor as a voting weight. Also\r
- stable_depth is useful to detect opening positions. Here, when\r
- Bonanza reaches the specified depth, then this is reported to the\r
- server to reduce thinking time. This command becomes effective\r
- when MNJ_LAN macro is defined in the Makefile.\r
-- move ['str']\r
- Bonanza makes a move of 'str'. If the argument is omitted, Bonanza\r
- thinks of its next move by itself.\r
-- mpv num 'nroot'\r
-- mpv width 'threshold'\r
- These commands control the number of root moves, 'nroot', to\r
- constitute principal variations. The default number is 1. A root\r
- move that yields a smaller value than the best value by 'threshold'\r
- is neglected. The default threshold is about 200. These commands\r
- become effective when MPV macro is defined in the Makefile.\r
-- new ['str']\r
- This command initializes the shogi board. The argument 'str'\r
- controls an initial configuration of the board. If you want to\r
- play a no-handicapped game, set 'str' to "PI" and this is the\r
- default value. In a handicapped game, specify squares and pieces\r
- to drop, e.g. "new PI82HI22KA" or "new PI19KY".\r
-- peek on\r
-- peek off\r
- The command "peek on (off)" enables (disables) peeks at a buffer\r
- of the standard input file while Bonanza is thinking. The default\r
- is on. This command is useful when you want to process a set of\r
- commands as "> ./bonanza.exe < infile".\r
-- ping\r
- Prompt Bonanza to print "pong".\r
-- ponder on\r
-- ponder off\r
- The command "ponder on (off)" enables (disables) thinks on the\r
- opponent's time. The default is on.\r
-- problem ['num']\r
- This command is used to solve problems in "./problem.csa". Here\r
- is an example of the problem file.\r
- -----------------------------\r
- $ANSWER:+0024FU\r
- P1-KY-KE-OU-KI * * * * -KY\r
- P2 * * * * * -KI * * * \r
- P3 * * -FU-GI-FU * -KE * -KA\r
- P4-FU * * -FU-GI-FU-HI * -FU\r
- P5 * * * * * * * -FU+KY\r
- P6+FU+KA+FU+FU+GI+FU+KI * * \r
- P7 * +FU * * +FU * * * * \r
- P8 * +OU+KI+GI * * +HI * * \r
- P9+KY+KE * * * * * +KE * \r
- P+00FU00FU\r
- P-00FU00FU00FU\r
- +\r
- /\r
- $ANSWER:+0087KY:+0088KY\r
- P1-OU-KE * * * * * +GI * \r
- P2-KY-KI * * * * * * * \r
- P3-FU-HI * -KI * * -GI * * \r
- P4 * * -KE * * * * * -FU\r
- P5 * +GI * -FU-FU-FU-FU-FU * \r
- P6+FU+HI-FU * * * * * * \r
- P7 * * * +FU * * * * +FU\r
- P8 * * +OU+KI+KI * * * * \r
- P9+KY+KE * * * * * +KE+KY\r
- P+00KA00GI00KY00FU00FU\r
- P-00KA00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU\r
- +\r
- -----------------------------\r
- The argument 'num' specifies the number of problems to solve.\r
-- quit\r
- The quit command and EOF character will exit Bonanza.\r
-- read 'filename' [(t|nil) ['num']]\r
- This command is used to read a CSA record 'filename' up to 'num'\r
- moves. Set the second argument to "nil" when you want to ignore\r
- time information in the record. The default value is "t". Bonanza\r
- reads all move sequence if the last argument is neglected. If\r
- 'filename' is ".", the command reads an ongoing game from the\r
- initial position.\r
-- resign\r
- Use this command when you resign a game.\r
-- resign 'num'\r
- This command specifies the threshold to resign. 'num' is a value\r
- of the threshold. The default is around 1000.\r
-- stress on\r
-- stress off\r
- When the command "stress on" is used, last-move shown in shogi\r
- board is stressed. The default is on.\r
-- time remain 'num1' 'num2'\r
- This command tells Bonanza the remaining time. 'num1' ('num2') is\r
- the remaining time of black (white) in seconds.\r
-- time response 'num'\r
- This command specifies a margin to control time. The time margin\r
- saves Bonanza from time up due to TCP/IP communication to a server\r
- program, sudden disc access, or imperfection of time control of\r
- Bonanza. 'num' is the time margin in milli-second. The default\r
- value is 200.\r
-- tlp 'num'\r
- This command controls the number of threads to be created when\r
- Bonana considers a move to make. The command becomes effective\r
- when TLP macro is defined in the Makefile. 'num' is the number of\r
- threads. The default value is 1.\r
-- #\r
- A line beginning with # causes all characters on that line\r
- to be ignored.\r
-- [move command]\r
- A move command consists of four digits followed by two\r
- capital alphabets, e.g. 7776FU. The first two digits\r
- are a starting square and the last two are a target square. The\r
- starting square is "OO" if the move is a dorp, e.g. 0087FU. The\r
- following two alphabets specify a piece type as the following,\r
- FU - pawn (Fuhyo) TO - promoted pawn (Tokin)\r
- KY - lance (Kyousha) NY - promoted lance (Narikyo)\r
- KE - knight (Keima) NK - promoted knight (Narikei)\r
- GI - silver general (Ginsho) NG - promoted silver (Narigin)\r
- KI - gold general (Kinsyo)\r
- KA - Bishop (Kakugyo) UM - Dragon horse (Ryuma)\r
- HI - Rook (Hisha) RY - Dragon king (Ryuo)\r
- OU - King (Osho)\r
- Here, words in parentheses are romanization of Japanese words.\r
+ Bonanza 6.0 - Client Source Code
+ Kunihito Hoki, May 2011
+1. Introduction
+Bonanza is a state-of-the art computer shogi engine which runs on
+Windows and Linux machines, and this directory contains a
+platform-independent source code.
+This source code is distributed with a hope that it will be useful in
+addition to the main part of the shogi engine. This program includes
+many useful functions such as manipulating a shogi board, reading and
+writing a CSA record file, speaking of a CSA protocol with a socket
+communication, and controlling time, and etc.. I believe this program
+can be a good starting point if you are interested in making shogi
+One main feature of this program is that it employs a brute-force
+search method together with bitboard techniques as many chess programs
+do. Another notable feature is a machine learning of shogi evaluation
+functions. The details of the learning algorithm (aka Bonanza method)
+were already presented [1], and this source code provides an example
+of implementation of the learning method.
+I admit that some parts of the source code are cryptic, e.g. codes in
+"mate1ply.c". I hope that I will have some time to make a quality
+documentation and comments on the program code, or someone else could
+decrypt my program and provide a documentation.
+Any comments or suggestions are welcome [2].
+[1] K. Hoki, "Optimal control of minimax search results to learn
+ positional evaluation", Game Programming Workshop, Hakone, Japan
+ 2008.
+[2] Contact to "bonanza_query [at] hotmail.com".
+2. Legal Notices
+This program is protected by copyright. Without a specific
+permission, any means of commercial applications are prohibited.
+Furthermore, this program is distributed without any warranty.
+Within these limits, you can use, redistribute, and/or modify it.
+3. Change Logs
+Version 6.0
+Search() function is modified to ignore moves which receive negative
+values from Static Exchange Evaluation (SEE) at frontier and
+pre-frontier nodes. Self-play experiments showed that this modification
+makes Bonanza slightly stronger. Similar results were also observed in
+experiments using a shogi program YSS,
+http://www32.ocn.ne.jp/~yss/horizon.txt. Moreover, the branch cut by
+means of SEE at frontier nodes can also be found in a chess program,
+Now Bonanza does Late Move Reduction (LMR) at root nodes, and recursive
+iterative deepening more often. Self-play experiments showed that these
+modifications make Bonanza slightly stronger.
+DFPN searcher is added to the set of Bonanza source codes (dfpn.c,
+dfpn.h, and dfpnhash.c). You can use the searcher by using 'dfpn'
+command with a compile option -DDFPN turned on. To make use of the DFPN
+searcher in ordinary search, use 'dfpn_client' command with a compile
+option -DDFPN_CLIENT turned on. To provide a proper service to the DFPN
+client, you also need to use a server script 'src/server/dfpn_server.pl'
+with one or more DFPN worker(s) connected with 'dfpn connect' command.
+I am thankful to Dr. A. Nagai for his kind and fruitful advice.
+Now Bonanza can be a client of parallel searches using cluster computing
+environment with mnj command. 'src/server/parallel_server.pl' is a
+server script of root-node parallelizations, and the server can be a
+client of majority voting cluster computation.
+Some techniques which increase computational efficiency of Bonanza are
+reported by E. Ito, http://aleag.cocolog-nifty.com/. In his website,
+two ideas are shown, i.e., (i) speed up of the computation of the static
+evaluation function, and (2) use of SSE instructions of Intel processors
+for bitboard operations. By adopting his ideas to Bonanza, NPS value
+nearly doubled. This is amazing. To use SSE instructions, specify -DSSE2
+or -DSSE4 compiler option. I am thankful to Mr. E. Ito for his kind and
+fruitful advice.
+-DINANIWA_SHIFT compilation flag is supplied to enable an Inaniwa-strategy detection
+There are many other modifications and bug fixes.
+Feliz 0.0
+- Some results from Y. Sato's experiments with Bonanza inspired me
+ to use the history table in LMR in Shogi, as Fruit did in chess. By
+ doing so, some improvement in performance of the tree search is
+ made.
+- From private communications with Yaneurao, it turned out that the
+ 3-ply-mate detections in 'mate3.c' can search game trees more
+ efficiently by using several heuristic pruning techniques. Now
+ 'mate3.c' adopts some of these techniques.
+- E. Ito kindly reported two bugs in the source codes. One is in
+ hash_store(), and the other is in ehash_probe() and
+ ehash_store(). Now these are fixed.
+- The structure of history table is modified from 'square-to' and
+ 'square-from' method to an exact match method by using the perfect
+ hash technique. The hash function of moves in 'phash.c' is generated
+ by codes at http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/perfect.html.
+- A command 'mnj' is added to connect to the cluster-computing server
+ in src/cluster/.
+- In client_next_game(), the way of dealing with REJECT message from a
+ CSA Shogi server is revised. Now Bonanza connects to the server again
+ when the game is rejected by an opponent.
+Version 4.1.3
+- The owner of 'LS3600 Blog Webpage' pointed out that there were two
+ serious bugs. Thank you very much! According to his indication,
+ is_hand_eq_supe() in 'utility.c' and read_CSA_line() in 'csa.c' are
+ revised.
+- In MPV code in 'searchr.c', a test of 'root_abort' flag had been
+ forgotten. Now the flag is tested after every call of search().
+- 'lan.txt' is added to 'src/executable/' directory. This is an
+ example of an input sequence to connect to CSA Shogi server.
+- 'book.bin' now has smaller moves and positions than previous one does.
+ Also, 'book_anti.csa' is added to 'src/executable/' directory. This
+ is an example of bad moves which apear in records of human experts.
+- 'Legal Notices' in this document is corrected.
+Version 4.1.2
+- In 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.vs', targets which require profile-guided
+ optimization are removed. Furthermore, an option, which controls
+ optimization, has been reverted from the aggressive flag, -O3, to a
+ moderate one, '-O2'. These modifications were necessary for avoiding
+ abnormal terminations of the program.
+- In 'ini.c', the attribute of POSIX thread in a global-variable
+ 'pthread_attr' is set to 'detach-state'. Because threads will never
+ join with any other threads in this program, the thread should be
+ created in the detached state to free system resources.
+- In 'ini.c', the default size of the transposition table is lifted
+ from 12MByte to 48MByte.
+- In 'iterate.c", probing the opening book is avoided when the move
+ history of a current game has repetitions.
+- In 'shogi.h', the margins of futility pruning are increased in
+ accord with new positional evaluation of the feature vector in
+ 'fv.bin'.
+- The quality of an opening book, 'winbin/book.bin', has been improved
+ at the expense of quantity.
+Version 4.1.0 and 4.1.1 (26 Apr 2009)
+- In 'Makefile' and 'Makefile.vs', some options of Intel C compiler
+ are modified. Here, agressive optimization '-O3' is substituted for
+ the default '-O2', pthreads support '-pthread' is substituted for
+ '-lpthread', and an obsolete '-static-libcxx' is removed.
+- In 'Makefile', the conformance of GNU C and Intel C compilers are
+ set to GNU extensions of ISO C99 by setting '-std=gnu99' because a
+ POSIX function 'strtok_r()' is not in the C99 standard library.
+- In 'Makefile', targets for GNU C with gprof and profile-guided
+ optimization of GNU C are removed.
+- In 'shogi.h', inline assemblies and intrinsics are used on x86-64 as
+ well as x86. To detect the targets, pre-defined macros '__i386__'
+ and '__x86_64__' are examined.
+- In 'evaluate.c', the evaluation function looks up the table
+ 'stand_pat[ply]' to see if the position have been evaluated since
+ the previous move is made by 'make_move_[bw]()' functions. Also, the
+ evaluation function probes the hash table 'ehash_tbl[]' to avoid
+ re-evaluation of the same position.
+- In 'io.c', an immediate value 0 is substituted for 'fileno(stdin)'
+ because the POSIX function 'fileno()' is not part of ANSI C. POSIX
+ requires that the file descriptor associated with 'stdin' be 0.
+- In 'iterate.c', a criterion for aging of transposition-table, i.e.,
+ increment of a global variable 'trans_table_age', is lifted from 7%
+ to 9% of saturation ratio of the table.
+- In 'learn1.c', the macro 'SEARCH_DEPTH' is set to 2. The macro
+ specifies the depth threashold of searches for finding all of
+ principle variations of positions in a set of games.
+- In 'learn1.c', a step size of increment/decrement of feature vectors
+ is fixed to 1 in 'learn_parse2()' function.
+- In 'hash.c', when a node can be pruned by using a hash value based on
+ futility pruning, a return value of the node is set to beta.
+- In 'rand.c', some codes of initialization of PRNG variables are
+ moved to 'ini_genrand()' from 'ini()' function.
+- In 'sckt.c', a function 'send_crlf()' is removed.
+- In 'search.c', now 'search()' calls 'search_quies()' and returns if
+ a search depth reaches a threashold. So that we can call 'search()'
+ function anytime, and this makes source codes simple.
+- In 'search.c', the static evaluation value is evaluated and used to
+ see if the late-move reduction is applicable or not. The evaluation
+ value is also used by the futility pruning.
+- In 'search.c', the futility pruning is not applied if the node is in
+ check or the move is a check.
+- In 'search.c', now Bonanza sends the keep-alive command '0x0a' to
+ the server in 'detect_signals()'.
+- In 'time.c', 'set_seach_limit_time()' is simplified.
+- In 'time.c', the second argument of 'gettimeofday()' is set to 'NULL'.
+Version 4.0.4 (2 Feb 2009)
+- An error of GCC inline assembly for spinlock in "thread.c" is fixed.
+- In Windows OS, Bonanza now opens all streams with file sharing by
+ using "_SH_DENYNO" constant in "io.c".
+- GCC built-in functions are substituted for GCC inline assemblies for
+ bit-scan operations in "bitop.h". Furthermore, "bitop.h" is removed,
+ and some of macros in the header are integrated into "shogi.h".
+Version 4.0.3 (Jan 2008)
+4. Files
+Here is a list of files you can find in this directory.
+C headers
+- param.h piece values
+- shogi.h main header
+- bitop.h bit operations
+- dfpn.h header of DFPN codes
+basic C functions
+- main.c main function of C program
+- data.c definition of global variables
+- ini.c initializations
+- rand.c pseudo random number generator
+- time.c time functions
+- bitop.c bit operations
+- utility.c misc. functions
+- proce.c input procedures
+- csa.c csa file format I/O
+- io.c basic I/O
+- sckt.c Socket communications
+bitboard manipulations
+- attack.c piece attacks
+- genchk.c move generation (checks)
+- genevasn.c move generation (evasions)
+- gendrop.c move generation (drops)
+- gennocap.c move generation (non-captures)
+- gencap.c move generation (captures)
+- movgenex.c move generation (inferior moves)
+- makemove.c make moves
+- unmake.c unmake move
+- mate1ply.c 1-ply mate detection
+- debug.c examine bitboard validity
+brute-force search
+- iterate.c iterative deepning search at root node
+- searchr.c alpha-beta search at root node
+- search.c alpha-beta search
+- next.c obtains next move
+- quiesrch.c quiescence search
+- evaluate.c static eveluation function
+- evaldiff.c easy and fast evaluation function
+- swap.c static exchange evaluation
+- hash.c transposition table
+- phash.c perfect hash function of moves
+- thread.c thread-level parallelization
+- root.c root move genelation and shallow min-max search
+- mate3.c 3-ply mate detection
+- ponder.c pondering
+- book.c creates and probes opening book
+- problem.c auto problem solver
+- valid.c examine move validity
+DFPN search
+- dfpn.c DFPN search
+- dfpnhash.c Hashing for DFPN search
+optimal control of min-max search
+- learn1.c main functions
+- learn2.c feture vector manipuration
+- bonanza.txt which now you are looking at
+- Makefile makefile for gnu make.exe
+- Makefile.vs makefile for Microsoft nmake.exe
+- bonanza.ico icon file for windows
+- bonanza.rc resource-definition file for windows
+- lan.txt example of input sequence to connect CSA Shogi server
+- book_anti.csa example of a set of bad moves which apear in records
+ of human exparts. This is used by 'book create' command.
+4. How to build Bonanza
+You can build Bonanza by means of GNU Make on Linux or Microsoft NMAKE
+on Windows. Here is some examples:
+- GCC on Linux
+> make -f Makefile gcc
+- Intel C++ Compiler on Linux
+> make -f Makefile icc
+- Microsoft C/C++ Compiler on Windows
+> nmake -f Makefile.vs cl
+- Intel C++ Compiler on Windows
+> nmake -f Makefile.vs icl
+The C source codes are written by using ANSI C plus a small number of
+new features in ISO C99. Therefore, I think this can be easily built
+in many platforms without much effort.
+It may be necessary to define some macros in Makefile or
+Makefile.vs. The macros are:
+- NDEBUG (DEBUG) builds release (debug) version of Bonanza
+- MINIMUM disables some auxiliary functions that are not
+ necessary to play a game, e.g., book composition
+ and optimization of evaluation functions
+- TLP enables thread-level parallel search
+- MPV enables multi-PV search
+- CSA_LAN enables Bonanza to communicate by CSA Shogi TCP/IP
+ protcol
+- DEKUNOBOU enables dekunobou interface (available only for
+ Windows)
+- CSASHOGI builds an engine for CSA Shogi (available only for
+ Windows)
+- NO_LOGGING suppresses dumping log files
+- HAVE_SSE2 use SSE2 instructions for speed
+- HAVE_SSE4 use SSE2 and SSE4.1 instructions for speed
+- MNJ_LAN enables a client-mode of cluster searches
+- INANIWA_SHIFT enables an Inaniwa strategy detection
+- DFPN build the DFPN worker of mate-problems server
+- DFPN_CLIENT enables the client-mode of mate-problem server
+Bonanza is an application that does not provide graphical user
+interface. If you could build "bonanza.exe" properly without CSASHOGI
+macro, it shows a prompt "Black 1>" when you execute it at a computer
+Bonanza uses three binary files: a feature vector of static evaluation
+function "fv.bin", an opening book "book.bin", and a
+position-learning database "hash.bin". You can find these in "winbin/"
+directory. Without the NO_LOGGING option, Bonanza must find "log/"
+directory to dump log files.
+5. Command List
+- beep on
+- beep off
+ These commands enable (on) or disable (off) a beep when Bonanza
+ makes a move. The default is on.
+- book on
+- book off
+ These commands enable (on) or disable (off) to probe the opening
+ book, "./book.bin". The default is on.
+- book narrow
+- book wide
+ When the command with "narrow" is used, Bonanza selects a book
+ move from a small set of opening moves. The default is "wide". The
+ narrowing of the opening moves is useful if you want Bonanza
+ choose a common opening line.
+- book create
+ This command creates the opening book file, "./book.bin", by using
+ numerous experts' games in a single CSA record file, "./book.csa".
+ It also uses another CSA record file, "book_anti.csa", where you
+ can register bad moves that may appear in the experts' games at
+ the last moves in the record file. Here is the example:
+ ----------------------------------------
+ PI, +, +6978KI, %TORYO
+ /
+ PI, +, +6978KI, -8384FU, %TORYO
+ /
+ PI, +, +7776FU, -4132KI, %TORYO
+ /
+ PI, +, +7776FU, -4132KI, +2726FU, %TORYO
+ ----------------------------------------
+ This command becomes effective when MINIMUM macro is not defined
+ in the Makefile.
+- connect 'addr' 'port' 'id' 'passwd' ['ngame']
+ This command connects Bonanza to a shogi server by using the CSA
+ protocol. The first four arguments specify the network address,
+ port number, user ID, and password, respectively. The last
+ argument limits a number of games that will be played by Bonanza.
+ This command becomes effective when CSA_LAN macro is defined in
+ the Makefile.
+- dfpn go
+ Bonanza does DFPN search at a current position.
+- dfpn hash 'num'
+ This command is used to initialize the transposition table of
+ DFPN search and set the size of the table to 2^'num'. This
+ command becomes effective when DFPN macro is defined in the
+ Makefile.
+- dfpn connect 'hostname' 'port#' 'ID'
+ This command is used to connect to the server script
+ dfpn_server.pl as a worker. This command becomes effective when
+ DFPN macro is defined in the Makefile.
+- dfpn_client 'hostname' 'port#'
+ This command is used to connect to the server script
+ dfpn_server.pl as a client. With this, a root and its child
+ posittions are examined by the DFPN worker(s). This command
+ becomes effective when DFPN_CLIENT macro is defined in the
+ Makefile.
+- display ['num']
+ This command prints the shogi board. If you want to flip the
+ board, set 'num' to 2. If not, set it to 1.
+- s
+ Bonanza makes a prompt reply while thinking as soon as this
+ command is used.
+- hash 'num'
+ This command is used to initialize the transposition table and
+ set the size of the table to 2^'num'.
+- hash learn create
+ This command is used to make a zero-filled position-lerning
+ database, "hash.bin". This command becomes effective when MINIMUM
+ macro is not defined in the Makefile.
+- hash learn on
+- hash learn off
+ These commands enable (on) or disable (off) the position learning.
+ The default is on.
+- learn 'str' 'steps' ['games' ['iterations' ['num1' ['num2']]]]
+ This command optimizes a feature vector of the static evaluation
+ function by using numorous experts' games in a single CSA record
+ file, "./records.csa". If you want to use a zero-filled vector as
+ an initial guess of the optimization procedure, set 'str' to
+ "ini". If not, set it to "no-ini". The third argument 'games' is a
+ number of games to be read from the record file. If the third
+ argument is negative or omitted, all games are read from the file.
+ The learning method iterates a set of procedures, and the number
+ of iteration can be limited by the fourth argument. It continues
+ as long as the argument is negative. The procedures consist of two
+ parts. The first part reads the record file and creates principal
+ variations by using 'num1' threads. The default value of 'num1' is
+ 1. The second part renews the feature vector 'steps' times by using
+ 'num2' threads in accord with the principal variations. The default
+ value of 'steps' and 'num2' is 1. Note that each thread in the
+ second procedure uses about 500MByte of the main memory. The two
+ arguments 'num1' and 'num2' become effective when TLP macro is
+ defined in the Makefile. After the procedures, the optimized
+ vector is saved in "./fv.bin". This command become effective when
+ MINIMUM macro is not defined in the Makefile.
+- limit depth 'num'
+ This command is used to specify a depth, 'num', at which Bonanza
+ ends the iterative deepening search.
+- limit nodes 'num'
+ When this command is used, Bonanza stops thinking after searched
+ nodes reach to 'num'.
+- limit time 'minute' 'second' ['depth']
+ This command limits thinking time of Bonanza. It tries to make
+ each move by consuming the time 'minute'. When the time is spent
+ all, it makes each move in 'second'. The last argument 'depth' can
+ be used if you want Bonanza to stop thinking after the iterative
+ deepening searches reach sufficient depth.
+- limit time extendable
+- limit time strict
+ The command, "limit time extendable", allows Bonanza to think
+ longer than the time limited by the previous command if it wishes
+ to. The default is "strict".
+- mnj 'sd' 'seed' 'addr' 'port' 'id' 'factor' 'stable_depth'
+ This command connects Bonanza to the majority or parallel server in
+ src/server/. The first two integers specify the standard
+ deviation and initial seed of pseudo-random numbers which are
+ added to the static evaluation function. Experiments suggested
+ that an appropriate value for the standard deviation is 15. Note
+ that all clients should use different seeds. The following three
+ arguments are network address, port number, user ID,
+ respectively. You can specify factor as a voting weight. Also
+ stable_depth is useful to detect opening positions. Here, when
+ Bonanza reaches the specified depth, then this is reported to the
+ server to reduce thinking time. This command becomes effective
+ when MNJ_LAN macro is defined in the Makefile.
+- move ['str']
+ Bonanza makes a move of 'str'. If the argument is omitted, Bonanza
+ thinks of its next move by itself.
+- mpv num 'nroot'
+- mpv width 'threshold'
+ These commands control the number of root moves, 'nroot', to
+ constitute principal variations. The default number is 1. A root
+ move that yields a smaller value than the best value by 'threshold'
+ is neglected. The default threshold is about 200. These commands
+ become effective when MPV macro is defined in the Makefile.
+- new ['str']
+ This command initializes the shogi board. The argument 'str'
+ controls an initial configuration of the board. If you want to
+ play a no-handicapped game, set 'str' to "PI" and this is the
+ default value. In a handicapped game, specify squares and pieces
+ to drop, e.g. "new PI82HI22KA" or "new PI19KY".
+- peek on
+- peek off
+ The command "peek on (off)" enables (disables) peeks at a buffer
+ of the standard input file while Bonanza is thinking. The default
+ is on. This command is useful when you want to process a set of
+ commands as "> ./bonanza.exe < infile".
+- ping
+ Prompt Bonanza to print "pong".
+- ponder on
+- ponder off
+ The command "ponder on (off)" enables (disables) thinks on the
+ opponent's time. The default is on.
+- problem ['num']
+ This command is used to solve problems in "./problem.csa". Here
+ is an example of the problem file.
+ -----------------------------
+ $ANSWER:+0024FU
+ P1-KY-KE-OU-KI * * * * -KY
+ P2 * * * * * -KI * * *
+ P3 * * -FU-GI-FU * -KE * -KA
+ P4-FU * * -FU-GI-FU-HI * -FU
+ P5 * * * * * * * -FU+KY
+ P7 * +FU * * +FU * * * *
+ P8 * +OU+KI+GI * * +HI * *
+ P9+KY+KE * * * * * +KE *
+ P+00FU00FU
+ P-00FU00FU00FU
+ +
+ /
+ $ANSWER:+0087KY:+0088KY
+ P1-OU-KE * * * * * +GI *
+ P2-KY-KI * * * * * * *
+ P3-FU-HI * -KI * * -GI * *
+ P4 * * -KE * * * * * -FU
+ P5 * +GI * -FU-FU-FU-FU-FU *
+ P6+FU+HI-FU * * * * * *
+ P7 * * * +FU * * * * +FU
+ P8 * * +OU+KI+KI * * * *
+ P9+KY+KE * * * * * +KE+KY
+ P+00KA00GI00KY00FU00FU
+ P-00KA00FU00FU00FU00FU00FU
+ +
+ -----------------------------
+ The argument 'num' specifies the number of problems to solve.
+- quit
+ The quit command and EOF character will exit Bonanza.
+- read 'filename' [(t|nil) ['num']]
+ This command is used to read a CSA record 'filename' up to 'num'
+ moves. Set the second argument to "nil" when you want to ignore
+ time information in the record. The default value is "t". Bonanza
+ reads all move sequence if the last argument is neglected. If
+ 'filename' is ".", the command reads an ongoing game from the
+ initial position.
+- resign
+ Use this command when you resign a game.
+- resign 'num'
+ This command specifies the threshold to resign. 'num' is a value
+ of the threshold. The default is around 1000.
+- stress on
+- stress off
+ When the command "stress on" is used, last-move shown in shogi
+ board is stressed. The default is on.
+- time remain 'num1' 'num2'
+ This command tells Bonanza the remaining time. 'num1' ('num2') is
+ the remaining time of black (white) in seconds.
+- time response 'num'
+ This command specifies a margin to control time. The time margin
+ saves Bonanza from time up due to TCP/IP communication to a server
+ program, sudden disc access, or imperfection of time control of
+ Bonanza. 'num' is the time margin in milli-second. The default
+ value is 200.
+- tlp 'num'
+ This command controls the number of threads to be created when
+ Bonana considers a move to make. The command becomes effective
+ when TLP macro is defined in the Makefile. 'num' is the number of
+ threads. The default value is 1.
+- undo
+ This command causes the latest move to be taken back.
+- #
+ A line beginning with # causes all characters on that line
+ to be ignored.
+- [move command]
+ A move command consists of four digits followed by two
+ capital alphabets, e.g. 7776FU. The first two digits
+ are a starting square and the last two are a target square. The
+ starting square is "OO" if the move is a dorp, e.g. 0087FU. The
+ following two alphabets specify a piece type as the following,
+ FU - pawn (Fuhyo) TO - promoted pawn (Tokin)
+ KY - lance (Kyousha) NY - promoted lance (Narikyo)
+ KE - knight (Keima) NK - promoted knight (Narikei)
+ GI - silver general (Ginsho) NG - promoted silver (Narigin)
+ KI - gold general (Kinsyo)
+ KA - Bishop (Kakugyo) UM - Dragon horse (Ryuma)
+ HI - Rook (Hisha) RY - Dragon king (Ryuo)
+ OU - King (Osho)
+ Here, words in parentheses are romanization of Japanese words.