#include <stdio.h>\r
#include <stdlib.h>\r
-#ifdef WIN32
-# include <windows.h>
+#ifdef WIN32\r
+# include <windows.h>\r
# include <io.h>\r
HANDLE process;\r
DWORD thread_id;\r
-# include <pthread.h>
-# include <signal.h>
-# define NO_ERROR 0
+# include <pthread.h>\r
+# include <signal.h>\r
+# define NO_ERROR 0\r
# include <sys/time.h>\r
int GetTickCount() // with thanks to Tord\r
{ struct timeval t; gettimeofday(&t, NULL); return t.tv_sec*1000 + t.tv_usec/1000; }\r
FILE *toE, *fromE;\r
int pid;\r
+#define INIT 0\r
+#define WAKEUP 1\r
+#define PAUSE 2\r
+Sync (int action)\r
+#ifdef WIN32\r
+ if(action == PAUSE) while(pause) SLEEP(); // in Windows we still rely on polling. :-(\r
+ static int syncPipe[2]; char c;\r
+ switch(action) {\r
+ case INIT: pipe(syncPipe); break;\r
+ case WAKEUP: write(syncPipe[1], "\n", 1); break;\r
+ case PAUSE: read(syncPipe[0], &c, 1);\r
+ }\r
StartSearch(char *ponder)\r
{ // send the 'go' command to engine. Suffix by ponder.\r
if(!pondering) return;\r
pause = 1;\r
- fprintf(toE, "stop\n");printf("# stop\n"); // note: 'pondering' remains set until engine acknowledges 'stop' with 'bestmove'\r
- while(pause) SLEEP(); // wait for engine to acknowledge 'stop' with 'bestmove'.\r
+ fprintf(toE, "stop\n"); fflush(toE); printf("# stop\n"); // note: 'pondering' remains set until engine acknowledges 'stop' with 'bestmove'\r
+ Sync(PAUSE); // wait for engine to acknowledge 'stop' with 'bestmove'.\r
while((line[i] = x = fgetc(fromE)) != EOF && line[i] != '\n') i++;\r
line[++i] = 0;\r
if(x == EOF) exit(0);\r
-printf("# engine said: %s", line);\r
+printf("# engine said: %s", line); fflush(stdout);\r
sscanf(line, "%s", command);\r
if(!strcmp(command, "bestmove")) {\r
- if(pause) { pondering = pause = 0; continue; } // bestmove was reply to ponder miss or analysis result; ignore.\r
+ if(pause) { pondering = pause = 0; Sync(WAKEUP); continue; } // bestmove was reply to ponder miss or analysis result; ignore.\r
// move was a move to be played\r
if(strstr(line+9, "resign")) { printf("resign\n"); computer = NONE; }\r
if(strstr(line+9, "(none)") || strstr(line+9, "null") ||\r
char name[256];\r
if(sscanf(line, "id name %s", name) == 1) printf("feature myname=\"%s (U%cI2WB)\"\n", name, sc-32);\r
- else if(!strcmp(command, "readyok")) pause = 0; // resume processing of GUI commands\r
+ else if(!strcmp(command, "readyok")) { pause = 0; Sync(WAKEUP); } // resume processing of GUI commands\r
else if(sscanf(command, "u%ciok", &c)==1 && c==sc) printf("feature smp=1 memory=%d done=1\n", hasHash); // done with options\r
fflush(toE); fflush(stdout);\r
i = 0; while((x = getchar()) != EOF && (line[i] = x) != '\n') i++;\r
- line[++i] = 0; if(x == EOF) { printf("# EOF\n"); exit(-1); }
+ line[++i] = 0; if(x == EOF) { printf("# EOF\n"); exit(-1); }\r
sscanf(line, "%s", command);\r
- while(pause) SLEEP(); // wait for readyok\r
if(!strcmp(command, "new")) {\r
computer = BLACK; moveNr = 0; depth = -1;\r
stm = WHITE; strcpy(iniPos, "position startpos");\r
// we can set other options here\r
pause = 1; // wait for option settings to take effect\r
fprintf(toE, "isready\n");\r
- fprintf(toE, "u%cinewgame\n", sc);\r
+ fprintf(toE, "u%cinewgame\n", sc); fflush(toE);\r
+ Sync(PAUSE); // wait for readyok\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "usermove")) {\r
if(sc == 's') {\r
StartEngine(char *cmdLine, char *dir)\r
#ifdef WIN32\r
HANDLE hChildStdinRd, hChildStdinWr,\r
hChildStdoutRd, hChildStdoutWr;\r
pid = piProcInfo.dwProcessId;\r
fromE = (FILE*) _fdopen( _open_osfhandle((long)hChildStdoutRd, _O_TEXT|_O_RDONLY), "r");\r
toE = (FILE*) _fdopen( _open_osfhandle((long)hChildStdinWr, _O_WRONLY), "w");\r
- char *argv[10], *p, buf[200];
- int i, toEngine[2], fromEngine[2];
- if (dir && dir[0] && chdir(dir)) { perror(dir); exit(1); }
- pipe(toEngine); pipe(fromEngine); // create two pipes
- if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { // Child
- dup2(toEngine[0], 0); close(toEngine[0]); close(toEngine[1]); // stdin from toE pipe
- dup2(fromEngine[1], 1); close(fromEngine[0]); close(fromEngine[1]); // stdout into fromE pipe
- dup2(1, fileno(stderr)); // stderr into frome pipe
- strcpy(buf, cmdLine); p = buf;
- for (i=0;;) { argv[i++] = p; p = strchr(p, ' '); if (p == NULL) break; *p++ = 0; }
- argv[i] = NULL;
- execvp(argv[0], argv); // startup engine
- perror(argv[0]); exit(1); // could not start engine; quit.
- }
- signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
- close(toEngine[0]); close(fromEngine[1]); // close engine ends of pipes in adapter
- fromE = (FILE*) fdopen(fromEngine[0], "r"); // make into high-level I/O
- toE = (FILE*) fdopen(toEngine[1], "w");
+ char *argv[10], *p, buf[200];\r
+ int i, toEngine[2], fromEngine[2];\r
+ if (dir && dir[0] && chdir(dir)) { perror(dir); exit(1); }\r
+ pipe(toEngine); pipe(fromEngine); // create two pipes\r
+ if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { // Child\r
+ dup2(toEngine[0], 0); close(toEngine[0]); close(toEngine[1]); // stdin from toE pipe\r
+ dup2(fromEngine[1], 1); close(fromEngine[0]); close(fromEngine[1]); // stdout into fromE pipe\r
+ dup2(1, fileno(stderr)); // stderr into frome pipe\r
+ strcpy(buf, cmdLine); p = buf;\r
+ for (i=0;;) { argv[i++] = p; p = strchr(p, ' '); if (p == NULL) break; *p++ = 0; }\r
+ argv[i] = NULL;\r
+ execvp(argv[0], argv); // startup engine\r
+ \r
+ perror(argv[0]); exit(1); // could not start engine; quit.\r
+ }\r
+ signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);\r
+ close(toEngine[0]); close(fromEngine[1]); // close engine ends of pipes in adapter\r
+ \r
+ fromE = (FILE*) fdopen(fromEngine[0], "r"); // make into high-level I/O\r
+ toE = (FILE*) fdopen(toEngine[1], "w");\r
return NO_ERROR;\r
// spawn engine proc\r
if(StartEngine(argv[1], dir) != NO_ERROR) { perror(argv[1]), exit(-1); }\r
+ Sync(INIT);\r
// create separate thread to handle engine->GUI traffic\r
-#ifdef WIN32
- CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Engine2GUI, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, &thread_id);
- { pthread_t t; signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); pthread_create(&t, NULL, Engine2GUI, NULL); }
+#ifdef WIN32\r
+ CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) Engine2GUI, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, &thread_id);\r
+ { pthread_t t; signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); pthread_create(&t, NULL, Engine2GUI, NULL); }\r
// handle GUI->engine traffic in original thread\r