if( rights == 0 && ++count > appData.drawRepeats-2 && canAdjudicate
&& appData.drawRepeats > 1) {
/* adjudicate after user-specified nr of repeats */
- if(engineOpponent) {
- SendToProgram("force\n", engineOpponent); // suppress reply
- SendMoveToProgram(forwardMostMove-1, engineOpponent); /* make sure opponent gets to see move */
- }
- ShowMove(fromX, fromY, toX, toY); /*updates currentMove*/
+ int result = GameIsDrawn;
+ char *details = "XBoard adjudication: repetition draw";
if(gameInfo.variant == VariantXiangqi && appData.testLegality) {
// [HGM] xiangqi: check for forbidden perpetuals
int m, ourPerpetual = 1, hisPerpetual = 1;
if(appData.debugMode) fprintf(debugFP, "XQ perpetual test, our=%d, his=%d\n",
ourPerpetual, hisPerpetual);
if(ourPerpetual && !hisPerpetual) { // we are actively checking him: forfeit
- GameEnds( WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) ? WhiteWins : BlackWins,
- "Xboard adjudication: perpetual checking", GE_XBOARD );
- return 1;
- }
- if(hisPerpetual && !ourPerpetual) // he is checking us, but did not repeat yet
+ result = WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) ? WhiteWins : BlackWins;
+ details = "Xboard adjudication: perpetual checking";
+ } else
+ if(hisPerpetual && !ourPerpetual) { // he is checking us, but did not repeat yet
break; // (or we would have caught him before). Abort repetition-checking loop.
+ } else
// Now check for perpetual chases
if(!ourPerpetual && !hisPerpetual) { // no perpetual check, test for chase
hisPerpetual = PerpetualChase(k, forwardMostMove);
ourPerpetual = PerpetualChase(k+1, forwardMostMove);
if(ourPerpetual && !hisPerpetual) { // we are actively chasing him: forfeit
- GameEnds( WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) ? WhiteWins : BlackWins,
- "Xboard adjudication: perpetual chasing", GE_XBOARD );
- return 1;
- }
+ result = WhiteOnMove(forwardMostMove) ? WhiteWins : BlackWins;
+ details = "Xboard adjudication: perpetual chasing";
+ } else
if(hisPerpetual && !ourPerpetual) // he is chasing us, but did not repeat yet
break; // Abort repetition-checking loop.
// if neither of us is checking or chasing all the time, or both are, it is draw
- GameEnds( GameIsDrawn, "Xboard adjudication: repetition draw", GE_XBOARD );
+ if(engineOpponent) {
+ SendToProgram("force\n", engineOpponent); // suppress reply
+ SendMoveToProgram(forwardMostMove-1, engineOpponent); /* make sure opponent gets to see move */
+ }
+ ShowMove(fromX, fromY, toX, toY); /*updates currentMove*/
+ GameEnds( result, details, GE_XBOARD );
return 1;
if( rights == 0 && count > 1 ) /* occurred 2 or more times before */