this does not alter any of the current behavior with compliant engines,
but does extend the correction for non-compliant score reporting under
control of the -first(second)ScoreIsAbs option to cases where the engine
is analyzing or playing on an ICS.
/* [AS] Negate score if machine is playing black and reporting absolute scores */
if( cps->scoreIsAbsolute &&
- ((gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack) || (gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay && cps->twoMachinesColor[0] == 'b')) )
+ ( gameMode == MachinePlaysBlack ||
+ gameMode == TwoMachinesPlay && cps->twoMachinesColor[0] == 'b' ||
+ gameMode == IcsPlayingBlack || // [HGM] also add other situations where engine should report black POV
+ (gameMode == AnalyzeMode || gameMode == AnalyzeFile || gameMode == IcsObserving && appData.icsEngineAnalyze) &&
+ !WhiteOnMove(currentMove)
+ ) )
curscore = -curscore;