Removing the size request from the label widget of the message field
made the width of this field grow with the text displayed in it, and
with it the entire board window. This could be prevented by setting
an ellipsize mode for it.
gtk_window_resize(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), wp[dlgNr]->width, wp[dlgNr]->height);
- for(i=0; option[i].type != EndMark; i++) if(option[i].type == Graph || dlgNr == BoardWindow && option[i].handle)
+ for(i=0; option[i].type != EndMark; i++) if(option[i].type == Graph || dlgNr == BoardWindow && option[i].handle) {
gtk_widget_set_size_request(option[i].handle, -1, -1); // remove size requests after realization, so user can shrink
+ if(option[i].type == Label) gtk_label_set_ellipsize(option[i].handle, PANGO_ELLIPSIZE_END);
+ }
return 1; // tells caller he must do initialization (e.g. add specific event handlers)