int mps, tc, inc, sTime, depth, myTime, hisTime, stm, computer = NONE, memory, oldMem=0, cores, moveNr, lastDepth, lastScore, startTime, debug, flob;\r
int statDepth, statScore, statNodes, statTime, currNr, size, collect, nr, sm, inex, on[500], frc, byo = -1, namOpt, comp;\r
char currMove[20], moveMap[500][10], /* for analyze mode */ canPonder[20], threadOpt[20], varList[8000], anaOpt[20], backLog[10000], checkOptions[8192] = "Ponder";\r
-char board[100]; // XQ board for UCCI\r
+char pvs[99][999], board[100]; // XQ board for UCCI\r
char *nameWord = "name ", *valueWord = "value ", *wTime = "w", *bTime = "b", *wInc = "winc", *bInc = "binc", newGame; // keywords that differ in UCCI\r
-int unit = 1, drawOffer;\r
+int unit = 1, drawOffer, scores[99], mpvSP, maxDepth;\r
volatile int logLen, sentLen;\r
FILE *toE, *fromE, *fromF;\r
if(inc && !*suffix) EPRINT((f, " %s %d %s %d", wInc, inc, bInc, inc))\r
if(depth > 0) EPRINT((f, " depth %d", depth))\r
if(*suffix) EPRINT((f, suffix, inc))\r
- EPRINT((f, "\n"))\r
+ EPRINT((f, "\n")); maxDepth = mpvSP = 0;\r
if(p = strstr(line+4, " time ")) sscanf(p+6, "%d", &t), t /= 10, statTime = t;\r
if(p = strstr(line+4, " currmove ")) sscanf(p+10,"%s", currMove);\r
if(p = strstr(line+4, " currmovenumber ")) sscanf(p+16,"%d", &currNr);\r
- if(pv = strstr(line+4, " pv ")) // convert PV info to WB thinking output\r
+ if(pv = strstr(line+4, " pv ")) { // convert PV info to WB thinking output\r
+ if(d > maxDepth) maxDepth = d, mpvSP = 0; else if(d < maxDepth) continue; // ignore depth regressions\r
+ for(i=0; i<mpvSP; i++) if(s == scores[i] && !strcmp(pvs[i], pv+4)) break; // check if duplicat\r
+ if(i >= mpvSP) strncpy(pvs[mpvSP], pv+4, 998), scores[mpvSP++] = s, // emit as thinking output if not\r
printf("%3d %6d %6d %10d %s", lastDepth=d, lastScore=s, t, n, Convert(pv+4));\r
- else if(s == -100000) lastScore = s; // when checkmated score is valid even without PV (which might not come)\r
+ } else if(s == -100000) lastScore = s; // when checkmated score is valid even without PV (which might not come)\r
else if(!strcmp(command, "option")) { // USI option: extract data fields\r
// and set engine thinking (note USI swaps colors!)\r
startTime = GetTickCount(); mySide = stm; // remember side we last played for\r
if(computer == ANALYZE) {\r
- EPRINT((f, "# go infinite"))\r
+ EPRINT((f, "# go infinite")); maxDepth = mpvSP = 0;\r
if(sm & 1) { // some moves are disabled\r
EPRINT((f, " searchmoves"))\r
for(i=1; i<nr; i++) if(on[i]) EPRINT((f, " %s", moveMap[i]))\r