DisplayHelp (char *name)
static char *xboardMan, *manText[2], tidy[MSG_SIZ], engMan[MSG_SIZ];
- char buf[MSG_SIZ], *eng;
+ char buf[MSG_SIZ], adapter[MSG_SIZ], *eng;
int n = 0;
FILE *f;
if(!xboardMan) {
if(currentCps) { // for engine options we have to look in engine manual
snprintf(buf, MSG_SIZ, "man -w "); // get (tidied) engine name in buf
+ TidyProgramName(currentCps->program, "localhost", adapter); // name of binary we are actually running
TidyProgramName(currentCps == &first ? appData.firstChessProgram : appData.secondChessProgram, "localhost", buf+7);
+ if(strcmp(buf+7, adapter) && StrCaseStr(name, adapter) == name) { // option starts with name of apparent proxy for engine
+ safeStrCpy(buf+7, adapter, MSG_SIZ-7); // use adapter manual
+ name += strlen(adapter); // strip adapter name of option
+ while(*name == ' ') name++;
+ }
if(strcmp(buf, tidy)) { // is different engine from last time
FREE(manText[1]); manText[1] = NULL; // so any currently held text is worthless
safeStrCpy(tidy, buf, MSG_SIZ); // remember current engine